Lobbying Topic-Benchmark


Philadelphia which is a corrupted city, is experiencing major problems which seems all connected to each other. Education, Poverty and Crime are three major problems that are going on in our community. Our crime rates keep increasing by a humungous amount and why? I believe it has a lot to do with educating our youth and poverty issues. Many teenagers don’t value education and one of the reasons is the household they live in.

Have you ever heard of the motto, “Education starts at home.”?  Many people disagree with that statement, but I agree.  Teens who grew up in a household where parents do not push education or aren’t as strict as most parents are about education don’t value education as much as he/she should. Teens, who live in poverty, turn to violence and selling drugs to make money because that’s the easy way out. The same teens who doesn’t value education and don’t have money get involved into the wrong things.

Many people around Philadelphia are sick of the violence that goes on in our community and are creating organizations to prevent this and to have people come out and talk to our youth about how serious this situation is. Plenty of organizations are trying to create more after school activities and other major events to keep teens and everyone.

Our city is trying to control our youth by setting curfews but I realized that is only in effect during the safer parts of Philly. Living in South Philly, nothing has changed and no curfews were enforced. Without police enforcing laws in every part of Philadelphia, how do they expect teens to take them seriously? If we have more people stand up instead of just letting things happen, if we have parents be a parent and actually take care of a responsibility and to have our officials make sure laws are set for every section and part of Philadelphia, I believe it’ll be a huge change.

