Macbeth's Market

Antonia and I worked on a creative project that shows our knowledge of Macbeth by William Shakespeare. Our project was a Macbeth general store advertisement where we sold things like eggs, perfume and shoes. Essentially, we designed this project because of how many possible puns we could create involving Macbeth, and food items or appliances. We also wanted to make something that was not commonly done (such as the playbill, or video). We started off with a google document in which we listed possible products which we could easily associate with. After we had written around 15, we started designing a rough draft of the catalog. In our rough draft, we sketched what each page would look like and thought of some different puns that we could use for each product. Like I said before, this project was designed with puns in mind. A pun that we used for example was Prince of Cucumbers instead of Prince of Cumberland. It is meant for people who have already read Macbeth. In order to thoroughly understand the catalog, it's good to read it slowly and look at the notes below each product to catch all of the details. Our catalog can also be a motivation to read the book! There are several products in our catalog that are worth mentioning, and explaining. For example, the blood red sheets are meant to be a joke about King Duncan’s death in bed. He was brutally murdered in bed. Thus, the deep red sheets represent the blood. The running shoes of Young Fleance are supposed to make sense because he ran away from the men trying to kill him. Another example were the Little Macduff eggs. This makes sense because when he was being killed, he was called an egg.

Antonia and I worked on a creative project that shows our knowledge of Macbeth by William Shakespeare. Our project was a Macbeth general store advertisement where we sold things like eggs, perfume and shoes. Essentially, we designed this project because of how many possible puns we could create involving Macbeth, and food items or appliances. We also wanted to make something that was not commonly done (such as the playbill, or video). We started off with a google document in which we listed possible products which we could easily associate with. After we had written around 15, we started designing a rough draft of the catalog. In our rough draft, we sketched what each page would look like and thought of some different puns that we could use for each product.

Like I said before, this project was designed with puns in mind. A pun that we used for example was Prince of Cucumbers instead of Prince of Cumberland. It is meant for people who have already read Macbeth. In order to thoroughly understand the catalog, it's good to read it slowly and look at the notes below each product to catch all of the details. Our catalog can also be a motivation to read the book! There are several products in our catalog that are worth mentioning, and explaining. For example, the blood red sheets are meant to be a joke about King Duncan’s death in bed. He was brutally murdered in bed. Thus, the deep red sheets represent the blood. The running shoes of Young Fleance are supposed to make sense because he ran away from the men trying to kill him. Another example were the Little Macduff eggs. This makes sense because when he was being killed, he was called an egg.


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