Macbeth board game: Jacob P, Nasir D, Tyler C.


With the board game, Scotland's War, Me (Nasir), Tyler, and Jacob based the game in Macbeth on Act 5 scene 6 to Act 5 scene 8. What happens in those scenes is Macbeth and Macduff are having a war and so my group decided to make a board game based on that. On Macbeth team there you have doctors, archers, soldiers, and the 3 murderers. We added those characters on his team because his thanes left him to be on Macduff side so we decided to to add them since they were the only loyal characters left to Macbeth. We also added the three murderers because they had helped out Macbeth with killing people like Macduff family and Banquo. On the England side you have Macduff, Ross, Young siward, Malcolm, KIng Edward, Siward, and doctors. They are all on the England side because Malcolm couldn’t trust Macbeth so he went to England, Macduff wants revenge on Macbeth for killing his family, Ross felt as though he was not a good king so he went with Macduff team, and Young siward, Siward, and King Edward are helping Macduff killing Macbeth.

We also added chance cards as well so people can have some advantages and disadvantages. Some chance cards works really well with some players and don’t work well with other players. With the chances cards if Macbeth picks up with cards that have Lady Macbeth, the 3 witches, ghost banquo, 3 murderers, and Dunsinane (Macbeth Castle)  then he gets a advantage on the other team and for Macduff if someone picks up the card for Birnam Wood, doctors, and the bad witches then Macduff gets a advantage as well so it makes the game fair.

We decided to do a game board because we didn’t feel like doing a playbill and all the other options because they were boring so we decided to go with a fun game that can have people interested in the game. We had a little trouble on what to name the board game but everyone else had really good names for their board so we had to think hard about till we finally thought of the name of the board game, “Scotland’s War” which made it a good name for it since Macbeth and Macduff in the play were having a war. What made this board unique is that we made sure that every character and setting was right.We made sure  the game can be perfect and we made sure it was really based off the book because we didn’t want to change anything that happened in the book so we made sure exactly that everything was in place. Also of course the game has rules to them always like every other board so it can be fun and fair for everyone to play. So, with this board game it would be really great to try it out and if you do try it then we are pretty sure you’ll love the game a lot. So, that's how we made the game.


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