Me Magazine One Slide

Me Magazine One Slide

I started off the slide by choosing the background. It was a simple bright red to contrast the white / grey “Me Magazine” text and to emphasize it more. I then decided in my head to choose a theme. This would be silhouettes that generalized the most important aspects of the Me Magazine. I found a black martial arts silhouette and placed it right below the text on the slide. I made it the biggest silhouette to draw attention towards it because it was my passion and the highlight of my life. I then found a black silhouette of a man taking a picture / video to represent the event in my life that released my creativity. I made it the smallest and put it in the corners of the screen because it isn’t as important as the other aspects. The last silhouette was a school boy and I place him between both of the other silhouettes. It was the middle height because it wasn’t as important as my passion and it was more important than the event. I lastly reflected both across the slide to provide repetition. I lastly placed two wind gust silhouettes beside the text to emphasize it more. My slide was very simplistic so that people could look at it for a very short amount of time and understand the message of the slide.
