Not good enough

Artist Statement: I chose to write my memoir on the community in Curtis because I think it really relates to me the most. It just has this sense of community, and I use my music skills to try to blend in like how Noah did at his school. And also like Noah, at the end of the day, with the REAL students there walking in groups to go get a coffee, I am alone, and that’s where reality hit me that I’m not a student there yet. Nevertheless, Curtis’ community really gave me a lot, including knowledge and sometimes even friendship. On the outside, it may look like a world-class famous conservatory, but really, the students there despite being professional musicians are just human. We talked a lot there, and some students even gave me suggestions for my practicing. It’s just a really wonderful, close-knit thing that I’d really want to be a part of. Right now I guess I can say I’m an “outsider” to them, but maybe someday, I can really be officially a part of their community. For now, I’ll just enjoy the perks of being with them and being part of the “unofficial” community of music lovers there, just like how Noah enjoyed the perks of being with everybody.

My Memoir Project (Anh Ngo)
