Proyecto E1 U1 (Cynthia To, Julia Hood, Messele Asfaw, James Adam)

Saludos Despedidos:
Messele and Jackie are walking in the hallway. Cynthia sees Jackie and greet her. Then, they all greet each other. Lastly, they continue doing their things.

Restaurante (Courtesy Phrases):
Messele and Jackie are on a date at a fancy restaurant. During their date, Minnie Mouse, Cynthia pops out of nowhere and interrupts their romantic date. After that, they enjoy their meal together.

¿Que tiempo hace?:
Julia ask her friends, Cynthia and James what’s the weather outside. Her two friends looked at each other and lied to her about the weather. They started to giggle a little. She goes outside and comes back inside in total shock. Cynthia and James started to laugh at her.

Tu vs. Ud.:
Julia talks to her friend, Cynthia in a informal way. Julia's really nervous because she has a meeting with the teachers, Messele and James. She speaks to the Teachers in a formal way.

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