


            As a 9th grade English student I feel that my portfolio shows the growth I have made since I first became a 9th grade English student. When I first entered English 9 I would constantly make grammar mistakes, my sentences would sometimes not make sense, and I had trouble with expanding on topic than just writing 3 or 4 sentences as a paragraph. Now that I leave English 9 I make minimal grammar mistakes, my vocabulary grew, I revise my work about 4 times until I find it sounds perfect and my paragraphs aren’t paragraphs until they have exceeded 8 sentences or more. Looking back at all my old projects and looking at the one I recently did I can see the growth and the person I came to be. Through out this class I have also seen a change in my self. I’ve noticed that I have begun to see things from a different perspective. I have grown as a person, mentally and physically.

When others see my work I hope that they understand the point that I’m trying to get across. More importantly I want the viewer to get any reflection to myself that I have done. When I write I always try to reflect back to myself depending the situation. If it’s writing about myself then I try to see things from a different point of view.  Also I want the reader to understand how self-assured I felt about my piece of writing.

  Through out English 9 my strengths are being able to expand on my writing and being able to adapt to the new vocabulary they the English 9 had to introduce to me to enhance my writing vocabulary and just in general. My weaknesses are dealing with the parts of speech which I have trouble remembering which part of speech goes with which word. I would like to work on the part of speech and also I would like to work on being able to write conclusions.

  Going back through my portfolio it gave me a chance to see how much I’ve really grown and the challenges that I overcame with myself. Now that I actually reflect on myself I notice that the way I’m leaving English 9 is not the same way I entered I’m more confident in myself and I’m prepared for what 10th grade may have for me. While making my portfolio I had issues with revising one of my benchmarks that involved me re-doing most of my work. From my point of view I felt that there was no point in re-doing it if I had already gotten a good grade but I though about it and I know I’m capable of doing better. There’s always room for improvement. I stayed positive and was able to revise all my work and feel proud of myself.

The piece I’m most proud of is the 3rd Benchmark where we had to compare and contrast the Odyssey. It’s my most proud piece because it’s the piece I was most enthusiastic about and the piece I really took my time to do and tried my hardest. I tried hard on all my benchmarks but there’s some things that if people are interested in their going to give their all into it.  While I was doing this project I felt that once I began writing I didn’t want to stop. 

Q1 Benchmark:

Macbeth Character Analysis

For this project we analyzed a character from Macbeth and we had to write a thesis statement and prove it with quotes from the book/play. This was our first benchmark and its piece I happen to be very proud of. 

Thesis: ‘’Lady Macbeth begins from stopping at nothing to get what she wants, to dying from what she had’’.

   In Act 1 scene 5 of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth had recently received a letter from Macbeth stating his recent meet with the weird sisters and how they hailed him Thane of Cawdor, and King. As the messenger brings news of King Duncan joining them for dinner that following night, Lady Macbeth begins her soliloquy saying ‘’Come, you spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here’’ (Act 1, scene 5, lines 39-40). What Lady Macbeth means is that she wants to be less of a woman and a strong as a man. She wants to be able to feel no guilt and have no second thoughts on her evil deeds therefore showing her charisma.

  In Act 1 scene 5 of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth begins here ways into royalty. She’s telling Macbeth of her rigid plan and is sighting move by move of his deed is to be. She wants him to ‘’Look like th’ innocent flower, but be the serpent under’t’’ (Act 1, scene 5, 64-65). In other words she wants him to make Duncan feel as in trust but inside be the demon that will show. Lady Macbeth wants to seem as innocent as she was before the death and after for no suspicion. Even though it might not be as easy for Macbeth.

  In Act 1 scene 7 of Macbeth, Macbeth doesn’t want to continue on with the bad deed. He wants to enjoy his honors and not risk losing them so quick with such repulsive acts. Lady Macbeth notices she must act fast in order to get what she wants and begins to use her feminine sexuality to go her way.  She begins to put Macbeth in a position where he isn’t man enough to proceed with his deeds. Specifically she says ‘’and live a coward in thin own esteem, letting ‘’I dare not’’ wait upon ‘’I would,’’ ’’ (Act 1, scene 7, lines 43-44). She is insulting his manhood in able for him to get frustrated and Macbeth yields to her just to prove her wrong. Lady Macbeth is at the point where she wants nothing to go wrong with her plans and will go at any lengths to get what she wants.

  In Act 2 scene 2 of Macbeth, Macbeth has just killed Duncan and he regrets his deed. His hands are filled with blood and is still holding the daggers that were suppose to be put with the guards.  Macbeth regrets his acts and believes the guilt will live on with him. Meanwhile Lady Macbeth is correcting his mistakes and is ashamed. She says ‘’ My Hands are of your color, but I shame to wear a heart so white’’ (Act 2, scene 2, lines 67-68). What she means here is that her hands are bloody to but she shames to have her guilt show out with such ease. This indicates that Lady Macbeth at this point has no heart and is going at all lengths to fulfill her plans.

   After being crowned in Act 3 scene 2 of Macbeth, Macbeth is keeping stuff to himself, having sad thoughts, having nightmares, and still is guilty. He is also scared of the fact that Banquo is suspicious and decides to kill him without telling Lady Macbeth. In this case Lady Macbeth to tell him ‘’Things without all remedy should be without regard. What’s done is done’’ (Act 3, scene 2, lines 12-13).  She’s trying to explain to him that if there’s no way to fix your mistake than don’t keep thinking about it.

  In Act 5 scene 1 of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth has been sleepwalking and unaware of being watched. The Gentlewoman and the doctor are both waiting for Lady Macbeth to see her night actions. Lady Macbeth walks in with a candle, eyes open but sleeping. The doctor us confused and asks where did she get a candle from is she is asleep. The Gentlewoman responds ‘’Why, it stood by her. She has light by her continually. ‘Tis he command.’’ (Act 5, scene 1, lines 22-23).  The reason for Lady Macbeth to demand a candle by her at all time is because she’s scared of the dark. Lady Macbeth is guilty.

   In Act 5 scene 1 of Macbeth, The Gentlewoman and the doctor are watching Lady Macbeth as she continued her weird acts. Lady Macbeth Gets out of bed; Gets paper, Folds it writes on it, reads it, seals it, Rubs hands, and talks as if someone were with her. As she speaks she says ‘’ yet who would have thought the old man to have had so much blood in him? ‘’ (Act 5, scene 1, lines 38-39).  Lady Macbeth is talking of when Macbeth killed Duncan and she seen all the blood. She partially reveals that Macbeth killed Duncan to the Doctor.

   In Act 5 scene 1 of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth had just revealed some shocking news while she is sleepwalking. She reveals this to the doctor and the Gentlewoman and both are shocked. Lady Macbeth talks about Duncan, she speaks as if she were talking to Macbeth and he were there letting most there secrets out.  The Doctor is surprised and tells the Gentlewoman ‘’Go to, go to! You have known what you should not‘’ (Act 5, scene 1, lines 46-47).  The doctor begins to notice the lies that have been going on and knows he heard what he was not supposed to hear.

  Act 5 scene 1 of Macbeth, Lady Macbeth goes to bed and the Doctor analyzed her actions and came to a conclusion. The doctor is speaking to the Gentlewoman and confirms that Lady Macbeth has gone insane and has a disease. He tells the Gentlewoman ‘’my mind she has mated, and amazed my sight’’ (Act 5, scene 1, lines 77).  The Doctor is amazed from what he has heard and seen. He thinks there’s it could be something evil, but it more than what he can do.

  Act 5 scene 8 of Macbeth, The Battle had just ended and everyone is hailing Malcolm King of Scotland. Malcolm killed Macbeth for name of his title, King. He reveals the way of lady Macbeth death due to her insanity. In His speech he says ‘’ who, as ‘tis thought, by self and violent hands took off her life’’ (Act 5, scene 8, lines 70-71). In other words, Lady Macbeth committed suicide due to her disease.

   Lady Macbeth began from going at any lengths to get what she wants. Slowly she turned insane throughout the time from the guilt.

Q2 Benchmark:
Memoir Vignette

This was our second benchmark and also was the benchmark we had to work the hardest on. For this piece we had to craft a memoir vignette and use stylistic devices. 

Perfect Disassemble

 At 6 years old all you want to see around you is happiness(Opener). At the age of 6 I was a very happy child. I had my mom, dad, sister, brother, nephew, and brother’s wife with me.  We all lived together in the same apartment in New York City. 2 bedrooms and 7 people the highlight of my life! (Humor)  My brother and sister decided to have children at a young age while still living with my parents.  In my opinion that was not the best decision they could have made.  My brother and I got along great while on the other hand my sister and I were like two bombs about to explode, but being the youngest child had its advantages. As the youngest child in my family I was the spoiled one and boy did I love it! (Humor) My friends would always came over my house because I was the one who had the best toys or the coolest things, those I love you daddy’s paid off (Humor).

    I have always seen my family to be the perfect family. Though no family is perfect that’s how I saw it in my eyes. When I was 8 my brother began moving in and out. Eventually my brother got divorced with the mother of his first child. Who said young parenting would be easy. Ending up living in his own apartment my brother left our home to my sister, my parents, and I.  In this time my dad had kidney disease and was on dialysis for 6 months in need of kidney transplant but he was not able to find anyone who was the same blood type. My mom wanted to give a kidney to my dad, but wasn’t compatible. After the 6 months my dad’s doctor found two brothers named Sean and Kensley who were going through the same problem. Sean needed the Kidney transplant and Kensley wanted to donate his kidney to his brother but were not the same blood type. After many tests the doctors came to realize my dad was compatible with Kensley and Sean was compatible with my mom. There was a miracle given from god.

At age 10 I became the aunt of my sister’s son Anthony. He was born with asthma, murmur, 7 UTI’s, classification in his kidney, and high blood pressure It’s an everyday struggle for him, a child full of energy and intelligent somehow makes he is able to make his way through the day. My sister still lives with us but in a room my dad made by putting a wall half way through the living room. My sister didn’t get to finish college because of her pregnancy but is well looking forward to finishing college when she has more time.  My sister and I still clash but we put our differences aside because of the new addition to the family we continue to be the perfect family, even without having my brother around as much.

     At the age of 12 kids get excited to enter their teen years. Having more freedom is more fun than sitting in my room playing tea party with Mr.Snuggles (Humor). But there’s one difference of this age than all the other ones, have been living in Philadelphia for 1 year now. We moved when I was 11 because my mom wanted a change. She wanted her own house and a different environment. My perfect family had disassembled slowly. My sister lived In New York City with my brother but in different parts, my parents and I lived in Philadelphia 2 hours away from happiness.  Yet I see a disassembled family I had to realize I still had my parents and that’s still perfect to me.

            Age 13 and the perfect family involved having the perfect parents. From time to time my parents would argue about the dumbest things, but I didn’t want to face the chances of an imperfect family and would ignore all the arguments. One late night my dad was making coffee and they started arguing on that my mom said she didn’t want coffee and my dad got smart. This is where the 8oz bag of coffee really began the drama (Humor). My mom stormed out the kitchen and ran upstairs. Next thing I know my mom’s coming down the stairs with her coat and a bag of clothes. Knowing we didn’t have anyone in Philadelphia I started getting scared and started crying because I knew what was going to happen next in this scene. I knew my mom would do anything to make me happy so I cried and cried for hours and begged her to stay until finally she decided to stay but didn’t forgive my father. Although I got to see my perfect family again I knew the happiness surrounding my perfect family was gone. I knew my mother was staying because of me but her heart was not in it. And I knew I was being selfish for thinking of my happiness and what I wanted to see before thinking of my mom’s happiness(Rep 4 effect).

           Age 14 going on 15 soon and from time to time I still hear the late night arguments, now I try and help out but I don’t solve the problem. I still think about my years as a young child and my definition of a perfect family to be a family that stays together. However, the real definition of a perfect family is the family who is simply happy.  

Q3 Benchmark:

The Odyssey 

Compare/Contrast Essay

For this piece we had to compare and contrast the Odyssey to a different piece of art. It could have been a character or and event.


Penny and Penelope both face issues with their husbands and differently with the suitors, Penny is engaged and Penelope has to deal with 140+ suitors. Vernon T. Waldrip is Penelope’s fiancé while Penny has not yet chosen a suitor for which she wants to marry. Both suitors show to be a threat to Everett and Odysseus and both in a different way challenge Everett and Odysseus’s lives. Even though Vernon T. Waldrip and the suitors seem the same, Penny and Penelope deal with them differently, which makes Waldrip a stronger suitor and foe.

             Vernon T. Waldrip from “O Brother Where out thou” and the suitors from “The Odyssey” both have similar situations. They’re both suitors to Penny and Penelope but neither actually marries Penny and Penelope.  They might not have gotten married but they’re still threats to Everett and Odysseus. Vernon T. Waldrip was practically taking Everett’s family away from him and Everett’s kids thought that Everett died from a train accident. Even after Everett was in front of his children and Penny still tried to convince them he died in a train accident. As for the suitors they also wanted to marry Penelope and take Odysseus’s family from him. Penelope finished it off; she can’t seem to avoid the suitors. In book 19 Penelope says, "So I finished it off. Against my will they forced me. And now I cant escape a marriage, nor can I contrive a deft way out"(Book 19 Lines 175,177). Yet the suitors wanted to marry Penelope for power not for love. Even though the suitors did not get to marry Penelope if Odysseus did not get there in time he would have lost his wife like Everett could have lost his wife the next day.

 Both Suitors get close to marriage but finish off differently.  Vernon T. Waldrip proposed to Penny and they scheduled to get married the day after Everett showed up, while Penelope only wanted Odysseus and did not want to accept the fact that she might had to have gotten married to one of 140+ suitors at her house. Penelope challenged the suitors for her grooms place knowing the only person who could pass the challenge was Odysseus.  In Book 19, she reveals her plan to Eurycleia, saying, “Now I will bring them on as a trial for my suitors. The hand that can string the bow with greatest ease, that shoots an arrow clean through all twelve axes- He's the man I follow, yes, forsaking his house where I was once a bride, this gracious house."(Book 19 Lines 648,652). With this hard task Penelope believes that none of the suitors will be able to even get past the first step. Therefore delaying the marriage with her suitors for hope that Odysseus would return. While on the other hand Penny did not care and figured Everett was not going to return which made her unfaithful, becoming Vernon T. Waldrip’s fiancé. Though Everett was the father of Penny’s children she found Vernon T. Waldrip to be “Bonafide” a guy who can offer more to her kids than Everett could. While, the suitors had nothing to offer to Penelope and nothing the suitors could possibly do would make Penelope be unfaithful. 

 Over 140 suitors fighting 6 other men makes it seem like an unfair battle. Yet the suitor’s lack of knowledge and strength makes every single one of them died. The suitors proved that they don’t compare to Odysseus when it comes to battle and knowledge they all thought that since they had armor surrounding them that it would be easy but Odysseus was smarter. Once Odysseus shot Antinous the rest of the suitors were in shock and scared that Odysseus has returned. As in book 22 the narrator describes them and says “Terror gripped them all, blanches their faces white, each man glancing wildly-how to escape this instant death” (Book 22 Lines 43,44). At this point suitors are aware that Odysseus is not going to let them off that easy. While on the other hand Vernon T. Waldrip’s proves he is the better man when he fights Everett and wins. Vernon T. Waldrip won the fight in less than 3 minutes leaving Everett to look like he is not good enough to compare to making Penny’s choice of husband clearer. The suitors at that point didn’t have a chance against Odysseus and he got to keep his wife as soon as the battle was over as to Everett he still had more work to do to get Vernon T. Waldrip away from his Family and regain his life back.

 Penny and Penelope deal with their suitors differently, but even though they seem the same, Vernon T. Waldrip is a stronger suitor and foe. Vernon T. Waldrip defeats Everett in their meet and makes Penny not regret her choice. The suitors lose 6 to 140 plus making Odysseus the better man for his wife and no suitor can take his place. 

Creative Piece:

Me Mag

Me mag is a magazine we did at the beginning of the year that had to include articles and even advertisements. This is one of my favorite pieces because we were able to design this to our choice and show who we are. 

Click image to view full magazine
Q4_BMEnglish_Me Mag
Independent Reading Review

For this project we chose a book 2 times a year and wrote a review on it. I chose my most recent book review because its the one I'm most proud of. 

Blue moon is a fantasy novel and was written by  #1 New York Times bestselling author Alyson Noel. Blue Moon was published on July 7, 2009 by St. Martin’s Press and is the second book of the immortal series preceded by “Evermore” and followed by “Shadowland”. Blue Moon got praised “Publishers weekly bestseller”, An international bestseller, Deputed at #1 on the New York Times Best sellers list, Deputed at #14 on the USA Today Best sellers list and nominated “Children’s book council’s best book of 2009”.

  Blue Moon deals with a 16-year-old girl named Ever bloom that can see people’s auras and get they’re entire history by on touch because she is immortal. Ever is now learning to control her power as they grow but her love Damen Auguste has become ill and is losing all his power and becoming mortal to the point where he dies. Ever is willing to do anything to save Damen. While she is on her journey to the beautiful dimension of Summerland where time does not matter, she learns much. She finds out she can get her family back from their death in the car accident and also discovers Damens horrible past. Through out her journeys to Summerland she meets 2 twins who are there to help Ever in her journey and deciding right from wrong. The Blue Moon is the answer to all her problems now she is to decide between getting her family back and the love of her life. She then decided her family but it only last to the point where the accident reoccurs and she is back to the life she left. Ever than saves Damen from the illness with an antidote she found in Summerland having only hours left before he died.

  Blue Moon has many interesting characters such as the main character Ever bloom and the lover of her life Damen Auguste. Damen Auguste is also an immortal in the book.  During this novel Damen is ill but not in a sick way he is possessed by Roman who is seeking revenge on Ever for killing Drina and is hurting what Ever loves most. Roman was in love with Damens ex wife Drina but once Drina died he planed his revenge in a clever way. Romy and Rayne are twin girls who have been helping Ever with her task to save Damen in Summerland. Miles and Haven are Evers best friends who also get possessed along with the entire school by Roman. My favorite character would have to be Roman not because he was the “villain” in this case but because he was so clever. He was able to gain Ever’s trust and destroy her with that, he possessed an entire school and almost got away with his plan. He played it off when he acted that he did not know Ever was the one who killed Drina but he knew all along. Readers my age or readers who have similar issues should take in the “problem solver” the way Alyson Noel set these characters to solve their problems.

   Through out the book I felt as if I could relate to Ever. Not with the powers or her undying lover for Damen but for how she would do anything to save Damen. If I put myself in that situation and changed Damen for one of my parents I know I would go to any lengths to try and save them.  I also understood why Ever chose her family to Damen. Ever needed her Family, love comes and goes but family is forever. Throughout most of the book I tried putting my self in Evers situations and my heart would just break sometimes. While Ever began to explain how much she missed her parents after she got to be with them once more I began to cry because I thought of how I would feel I wasn’t to able to see my parents again. It opened my eyes into really appreciating what I have.

  I enjoyed this book very much it keeps the reader wanting more. After I finished reading “Evermore” I began Blue Moon as soon as possible and loved every page of it. Alyson Noel exceeded my expectations and gave the book twists I never would have thought would occur. The only weakness of this book is that Alyson Noel had Ever give it away to easily, on something being wrong about Roman. After noticing Ever kept repeating, “there’s something odd about Roman” I began to notice Roman was the problem of all that was occurring. A strength about this book was that while Alyson Noel was giving it away about Roman she was also twisting my mind and making it more of a question than a statement if Roman was the problem.

  I recommend this book to all teenagers and adults as well. The love between Ever and Damen is what brings the entire book alive. Their history, their ways of solving their problems makes you want to live it yourself. The way Ever feels about herself with the power she now gains shows the reader an entirely different point of view in life.  This book takes you to new levels in reading and nobody should miss out on the love and exciting fantasy this novel has to offer. 


Throughout the year we have days where we get to class and just get into our journals. Some days we have questions to answer and others are free write. Below are 4 journal entries I have chosen. 

Journal #1


There are many different ways to know that you’re an adult. You can go the legal way, which that is 21 years old and older. Or my way which is when you mature enough reach an appropriate age and you’re your own person. In my opinion I feel that each person has there own moment of becoming and adult. Some people mature faster than others and become an adult when their ready to become one. For example when they’re ready to take care of their own lives and make the right choices. For others the moment of becoming an adult is the legal way even though the person is not ready for the responsibility the title adult has.

Journal #2


As a young child I had trouble with a friend that a lot of other people did not like. I don’t remember exactly what the situation was but of what I remember I know she lied of something I did. One night I was on 3 line with 2 of my other friends and a conversation about her started. My friends pressured me into calling the girl but when she didn’t pick they decided to leave a voicemail. One of the girls who was on the 3 line said “I hope you die see you on the other side”. After being called into the principles office the next day at school I got blamed for my friend’s actions since my number came upon their caller id. Hardest part about all this was facing my mom knowing that no one would believe me and I would do the crime. 

Impossible task: Facing my mom after I knew she felt ashamed. 

Journal #3


The way your environment shapes who you become is by the inspiration you get from it. The way my environment shapes is me is the people I hang out with more common called my friends. The friends you hang out with depend who you are. If you hang out with school hating, smoke loving friends than you’re not headed off to a good future. Yet if you hang around the right people that will push you into doing the right things than any time soon your going to do the right things on your own and helping others into making the right choices.  For example in 6th grade I was a straight A student than came 7th and 8th grade and my friends change I went to an A and B student with a couple C’s. I knew my choice in friends weren’t good but it was fun. At times I knew I was doing the wrong thing but most teenagers don’t want to seem like “lames’ in front of their friends. Now High school I have a variety of friends I mostly became my own person. I have the “Lets cut class” friends and the “I have to get my work done but still have fun with it” friends.

Journal #4


An expectation put upon me by my parents is that I’m always going to get good grades. Though I know I’m capable of it I also know I’m human and I have flaws. In the 6th grade I had straight A’s and only one B through out the entire report card by the end of the year. Now my mom believes that if I don’t get A’s it’s a very bad thing.  I try not to let my parents down I always want them to see the best in me an I be the child they wanted, and when I know I haven’t met my parents expectations it tares me up inside. Yet now I’m starting to learn that they want me to try my hardest but they also understand its hard to always do it all when you a whole bunch of stuff to deal with. 
