Quarter 3 Maya Kohl's Artwork

In this unit we were asked to create a bike drawing, an optical illusion drawing, shading forms drawing, an eye drawing and a mandala with color. I like my work personally to have a lot of shading and color blending but I also prefer using pencil I think the black and white effect leaves room for imagination. With the bike drawing I wanted to make it with older types of bike because I like the vintage look it has. It reminds me of my mom’s bike.
For the optical illusions the first one I chose to do a more rounded out illusion because I thought it looked like a jewelry chain piece and that interest me. For the second one that was given as an example from the assignment but I liked how it combined this assignment and next weeks assignment which was shading forms. I enjoyed this assignments because I learned more control on how much pressure to apply on the pencil as well as making my images look somewhat 3D.
For the eye drawing I chose to do a friends. In the original assignment you were supposed to draw your own eye. I found myself always frustrated with the way my eyes fold and to draw them I felt could frustrate me more. This was my favorite assignment because I felt I could really enjoy it. To me the eye is more than just an eye.
For the mandala’s I wanted to create the design and color by the elements. The sun, water and a flower for earth. Some techniques I enjoyed using this unit were color blending and shading for a shadow effect and more ombre effect. I also enjoyed the simiatry of the mandala. I prefer pencil I find the texture to be easiest and most creative to work with in a lot of different types of art.
