
Inside of class we watched a video made by the I Am A Witness Campaign. The video was about a child, named Jack, who was being bullied and what you can do to stop it. The campaign was trying to get people to use an emoji to respond to cyberbullying. The video reminded me of when I got bullied at my old school. I remembered how I felt and I really related to Jack on a personal level. I don't really exist online and no one has my exact name but, when I google my name a lot of white people and people that live in Andorra show up. If you googled me and didn't know what I looked like or how old I am then, they might think that I am most likely a elderly white person. The goal of an internet troll is to make you mad and to get a response. The positives of online anonymity is that it gives you a sense of privacy but some people abuse this. Because of people like this it makes online anonymity dangerous for others.
