
    • What did you learn from the critique of your slide?I learned that critiquing makes us better it corrects our mistakes it makes our information better than it was before.i learned that it can also make  you a better present your information and it also helps with you and it helps raise your condifdents and it makes you a better than what you was and it makes you a bigger person it increses your thinking what you are planining to say and how does it help you with your information and it heps me to do things better next time
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    • Why did you make the changes you made to the slide?i had put more colors and i had put more information in it and i had added alot of more things to it help me learned how to balced my pictures and to make all of the pictures it has help me do better and it helps it all out and things get better and my research has helped me to make better slide designs and makes it better than it was and it helps me to understand my work better and to do thins righ the first time

    • What were some of the sources you used to create an amazing slide?i used thins like pictures sizes and things to help raise my things up and to help balcaned it out and to show how to even it out righ and to show how it shows to make all of the sizes make it better but making it longer and changing all of it and making it shorter and longer and trying to raise of the things to make it sound better than it has 
