Reflection! Mohamed Marzouk

How did you group go about making a decision for what to focus on for the project?
We just told each other to work on each others part. And, who ever had problems we would help out. Also, when coming down to a decision on what to focus on we just agreed  

·       11th grade Essential ? - What is the role of the individual in creating and sustaining change? 
We have to always change. Because, no one's perfect.  Everyone has there own prefrefence so they are responsible for there own learning

My understanding of the electoral process improved, since I talked with someone close with the process so, he told me a lot of the things that he knew and he told me some things that I already knew, but he was a lot of help.


I thought it being written down would be the best way because people can read the interview and really understand what the person is saying other then a video because sometimes a video can go too fast and not explain anything.
