Seamus Kirby and Kristi Bezhani Circuits Project

As we built our model, we notice that art has an enigmatic manner of being incorporated into science. What we thought to be interesting about the art behind this project, is that in a standard piece of art, there are things that cannot be seen, such as possible hidden emotions or the tiniest of details. In science on the other hand, there are also things that cannot be seen, such as electrons, neutrons, protons, etc.. Put the two together and we have many hidden messages that cannot be resolved in the instant. Science, unlike art has theories of the unseeable messages that rationalize what happens in reality based off of logic. But art is much more than a simple theory. With art, there are no accuracies or facts as there are in science, the only thing that matters in art is self and perception. There is never a right or wrong within art, but within science, it is possible for errors to exist. In the scientific world, errors are a negative sign, while in the artistic world, errors are perceived as beautiful of flaw and natural imperfect humanity. We chose to create an earring holder out of forks and spoons, because it combined our interests of food, and jewelry. What makes our earring holder unique is that when the earrings are placed on the holder, all the lights turn on.
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