So Far...

Today was a mellow day started off bad but ended on a good note. I guess it didn't start off that bad since I woke up this morning to have another day on this earth but, after that it sorta went down hill...I woke early this morning to prove to my friends that I can make it someplace on time & not be an hour or more late. While in the mist of getting dressed I stepped out on the porch to check the weather & shut the door behind me so my dog won't run out while doing that I locked myself out. Its raining on & off locked out no ones home & I have to wait for an hour to get back in thus making myself an hour late & having to rush to the school to hand my note in. After that I met up with friends & had a great girls day with except of Cody. I did some last minute shopping but didn't bug anything & need to push it all tomorrow. At this moment I need some last minute determination to get my work done in the last stretch of my high school career. I need to really bake on my Capstone & benchmark for Caitlin this is really killing me I'm so unmotivated.
