Spreading Awareness About Colorism

In my last slate post I shared my knowledge about the topic colorism. Its a hard thing to go through, it can happen with your friends even your family. I wanted to let people know they are not alone when they face colorsim. Colorism is prejudice or discrimination against individuals with a dark skin tone, typically among people of the same ethnic or racial group: Only darker skin people experience this type of treatment because they are the ones that are oppressed by it, lighter skin people benefit from it.


This is what I did to spread awareness about the issue. I made a instagram post about it, it was a three part post and all my friends were so supportive. I want to have a interesting but straight to the point tile and I think this was good. I think this is the first time I felt like I’m doing a good thing (when I post about important topics and issues on my instagram stories). It’s like I’m actually telling the story and people are my listens and learners.

Some More Slides of it And how other people Help Out Too!!


As you can see My friends helped me repost and spread awareness too about the topic. I tried my best to reach out to so many people and I think I did a good job because if I see other people liking it then it must be good for people to realize it’s that important. I think I have the privilege to share about what I know about my topic and how it effects people with darker skin tone. I know it can be hard seeing yourself if you are dark in the media or just being in life because some people can not going to except you but If you are a dark skin person, just know you matter. Everything you do and say matters and you are a beautiful person, don’t like your skin color take over you… embrace yourself and own your skin.
