This I Believe: Sexuality is Based off Attraction

I believe that from the time you have enough common sense to know the difference between gender's, you develop an attraction to one or the other sex, or both. No one ever thinks about when people choose to be straight. Everyone thinks that it's a choice to be gay, bisexual, lesbian, or transgender. It's not a choice, or something you know within the heart and mind of a person. If it's a choice to like the same sex, then it must be a choice to like the opposite sex.

From the time I was a little kid, I've always felt an attraction to the opposite and same sex. I've grown up and came to terms with the correct terminology, and what it means to be Bisexual, I realized I never made a choice. I just knew I was. It comes from the belief that god has our life planned out for us before we are born. Obviously he choose for me to be this way, so I'm not gonna change it because I like the way I am.

I believe that the world should be accepting of LGBT people. Judging us won't change our sexual orientation, and physically abusing us won't change it either. Grow up and move on. If you don;t support us, get on with your life. Life goes on and doesn't revolve around you, so get over yourself.

I'm growing up and I have a new attitude about life. I'm moving forward, and no one can change me.
