Toni Marshall Quarter 2

Throughout the second quarter I spent most of my time cutting out the stencil for my project I have about two left. My plans are to spray paint the poem onto the windows. The project is very time consuming and difficult. Letters such as O,R,A and G's were the hardest letters to cut out because in order to preserve the actual shape of the letter you must cut out little rectangles that connected the rest of the paper and the middle space of the letter and cut around it. I had many trails trying to get the correct grove on how to cut neat and with accuracy. There were 15 sheets each containing about 25 letters. By the 3 quarter I expect to be finished this project. I am trying to now figure out a way to preserve the paper just in case I mess up the first trail of spray painting because like Mrs.Hull says" We se you up to fail." I will reflect on what i need to do in order to improve my work and hopefully create a project I am more proud of than now.
