Unspoken Story: Students Pay Too Much For Senior Dues !

Option #1

Trying to figure out what i should write about. I wasn't thinking straight because i had other benchmarks and capstone work to do so i wasn't even thinking about something i should right. Well i'm pretty sure lots of people don't know how much everything came out to be there whole senior year. Then the juniors have no clue of what they have to pay and how much everything has to be, so me telling the story on it can have them a heads up for when they hit there senior year. It doesn't receive more attention because no one really talk about it because it's the end of the year already. Yes but at the same time no because there are seniors who haven't paid there dues but then i see it as in only a teacher would mention it out of the whole school because i personally think its already the end of the school year and who is going to keep bothering a student who hasn't paid there dues when before they had to do it but never did. So it's on them now not anyone else. I learned that my parents had to pay so much for my senior year because it wasn't only just me, but it was me and my sister Amaris Romero, then my parents had other stuff they had to pay so it was hard half of the time to actually give in money on time.

