Why do you write?

​               The reason that i write is because it release my mind. I can write alot at times depending on the topic. Free writing, i can go on and on. But if I'm write in school for a certain class its more difficult. I honestly can say that i like to write. I write music almost twice a week. If you think about it, i write everyday in school and at home and that's a lot. People can define writing in many different ways. But writing to me is just saying what  ever i think but on paper. Sometimes i have a hard time saying something through my mouth so i just write it down then it can help me focus more about it. My hand writing is very messy but that doesn't stop me from writing. I really don't know why my hand writing is so sloppy. I mean i did learn how to write since Pre-school. People write poetry because it makes them feel better. People write music because they have things to say. People write essay to show their thoughts. Writing can be expressed in many different ways. And my only reason to write is that i have a lot of things to say.
