
I'm so tired of school.
I just realized that I have so much work that I have to catch up on, it makes me sick to my stomach.
I have to sit in Mr. Baird's room for 3 class periods, but we're learning about Enron. It's really cool.

Kill me. Please.
I'm really tired, talk about my luck this morning.
I woke up at 5:00 a.m. and nobody was awake, so I went back to bed. I was awoken at 6:55, without the realization that it was 6:55, and my mother screaming at me to get up and move. Keep in mind, I leave my house at 7 everyday.
I rolled over, checked my phone, and Devon Thomas had called me. Immediately, I knew she would give me a ride to school. Thank god for friends.
I called her back, she answered and said she had just woke up not too long ago and that she would pick me up and take me home. Thank you dear jesus the lord.

Love my life.

165 days.
