Anti-semtism in America - Eli Phillips

Anti Semitism and its effect in America.

Hi, welcome to my project on anti-Semitism in America. My goals for this project is to inform the reader on this topic and shed light on its deep crack in US history. So let’s begin.

If you don’t know what anti-Semitism is it is the act of hating the Jewish race. It was originality made mainstream in the crusades and with Martin Luther’s reforms to Christianity. This issue is a very pressing matter in the USA. It has run deep into our core and shadows many real-world events that are happing right now. For example, black people of this country for a long time could not attend certain colleges and get loans on homes. That same thing was happing to the jews at the exact same time. In fact, if you look around the country you can find some Jewish colleges such as Brandeis University.

For me, this topic hits closer to home because I am in fact Jewish and wish to fight this injustice. Also, I love to research history, this can include euro-centric things like ww2 or how gran Columbia was formed. And thought my research of America it shocked me of how much anti-Semitism there was. I feel like for this reason that if we look into past parts of anti-Semitism we can see how the future can pan out.

My research so far has shown a new light on this situation. For example, when I was doing my teacher I found that in 2018 it had the highest anti-Semitic activity that was reported since 1970. This along with the recent start of the black lives protests show that white supremacists movements are on the rise again.

Even with my research on this project I still wonder many things such as why is it still around today even though there are more facts on how bad this is or how is social media effect the spread? Is it decreasing it or increasing it? One of the things that I wonder the most about is how can we plug this poison that is sleeping out of America’s deepest cracks?

As with many things I still hope to learn more about this situation. As I all ready stated I wish to learn more about the social media aspect of it and I still want to learn more about where It came from. Finally, I would like to know more about how in wartime how did the Americans treat their jews. In the holocaust did the general public not know about it and did nothing accordingly or did they know and threw them to the curbside? Finally, the last question I want to learn about is the immigrating process of the easternmost jews in Russia into America.

Thank you for reading this, I hope you have learned a lot about my topic and have encouraged you to seek better research and education on the topic of Anti Semitism in America, mabby my questions inspired you to do your own research and questing of your own. Thank you for reading and I hope to see you soon.

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