I’m back again, for the last time. Yeah, the kid who’s doing the Black Lives Matter project for you and the world. Since you love me so much, read my previous blog posts again. And if you haven’t already checked them out, stop reading and go check them out RIGHT NOW- Part 1 and Part 2. In these, I talk about the importance of my topic, why I chose it, and how/what I researched. Now let’s get to the good stuff.

Photo of my agent of change participator.
Photo of my agent of change participator.

At first it took me a long time to figure out how I wanted to make a slight difference in the community. I reached out to those apart of BLM Philly. This is the only organization like this in Philadelphia, and they set up events to raise awareness. We spoke about creating some sort of program for children like me who want to make a difference, but the process was difficult so I decided to make a smaller, yet more significant impact. I spoke to all of the Freshmen of SLA, and attempted to get everyone to wear Black/Dark hoodies or sweaters in remembrance for Trayvon Martin, the man that sparked this movement and ultimately led to creating a better place for me and my people. Surprisingly, I got over 50 people to wear black, which touched my heart that I could raise that much aware for something so important to me and others. Many people suggested that I should do something like this in the future. For the future, I’m going to strive to create a Trayvon Martin Day, AKA #TrayDay. I am aware that this poses a lot of obstacles and challenges, but I’m prepared to gather other people who same the same passion for ‘Blackness’.

Another Participator
Another Participator
As an African American Male in the United States, I felt like it was required for me to take on this topic. Not only to raise much needed awareness, but to prove to myself that anybody can make a difference in the world and in someone’s heart. Going through this process made me a much better person and I realized that I can do the right thing if I simply put myself out there. There was a point during this process where I felt like I was not doing well enough, and there were people that supported me and my topic and I’m grateful for that. What I’m trying to say is, I loved doing this project because it brought me closer to my inner self and I got to expose many future opportunities for myself. If I had to do this project again, I would do it a hundred times over although it was stressful.
ANOTHER participator
ANOTHER participator

I want to thank my wonderful teacher for helping me and my classmates make a change and raise awareness. I want to thank my readers for coming along for the ride and I hope I inspired some young souls to conquer what they love. Lastly I want to honors those who lost their lives in the history of the Movement by saying, #BLACKLIVESMATTER!


See my annotated bibliography here! If you have any questions or concerns, email me: rpowell@scienceleadership.org
