Cameron Hinton-Capstone

​All throughout my high school experience, I have seen the same ole sport uniforms from each team. Each team used the same exact logo and the same colors. I wanted to change it up a bit for a more updated look for the school because we also have come a long way from when we first opened up.

For my senior capstone, I decided to come up with new designs for the sports teams in the school for seasonal uniforms and or fundraising purposes.I was first introduced to this by my coach, Mark Johnson, during our 2016 track and field season. He had explained to me how this would work for everyone because of how easy and simple it was. It’s called Ares Sportswear and it was a really beneficial and useful tool for my capstone.

My final product was to end up having a meeting with all the coaches in the school and have a little hands on session with the website so that they could get used to it and ask any questions that they would have. Essentially I set up accounts for each sport and then I had certain designs made depending on the sport. I think that this should be passed down and used for another capstone, because I know that sometimes the teams like to try different things and might want to continue to have different sport uniforms because when you look like a team, you play like one.

Here is the link to my bibliography
This is the link to the evidence
