Does your social status effect your college acceptance?

​For the next couple of weeks I will be doing research to see if social statuses such as family income, neighborhoods, schools ore even social networking profiles effect acceptances into college. I am interested in this topic because I want to make sure that if social statuses do interfere with college acceptances I will have a efficient social status. This research plan can not only help me but also others who want to maintain a good social status for college acceptances. So far in research I learned that many colleges indeed do look into social networking profiles when considering student acceptances. When colleges consider students they not only look for good test scores and teacher recommendations but they also want to know how students are outside of the academic area. Keeping a appropriate social network profile can give a good impression. For my future research I want to look into what a good online profile looks like. What type of comment should you keep off of facebook or twitter or myspace? What is appropriate to be said on your profile???
Links used for research:

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