Easter Traditions (2/24)

​So today was Easter. Being Polish honestly needs to come with a instruction manual. Or at least being me. There are so much traditions that Polish people unlike a lot of Americans that I see in the US. I had to dress up for a freaking breakfast. I wore a really nice long sleeve shirt with black jeans and dress shoes to a 9am breakfast. We prayed for about 10 minutes before sharing piece of a holy egg. Then we brought out a lot of traditional food like tartar (Grinded up raw meat with a lot of spices in it), lots of holy egg, lots of holy bread and FISH. I strongly dislike fish. I personally follow the traditions as lightly as possible (parental conditions permitting). Then I have to dress up the same way for dinner. Mind you it is hot as balls with jeans on at this point. It was not comfortable what so ever. I could not relax much as there was always something to do around the house... I could not have a social life because it was not allowed.... Its definitely a sacrifice I have to make however in the end the family cohesiveness is worth it. I live a strange life sometimes. Traditions make me go pray on Halloween night instead of trick or treat. Make me eat weird Polish food that I dont even have an appetite for on Christmas and Thanksgiving. However they also allow me to have a great time, particularly around New Years Eve. Ups and downs. 
