Effects of Human Trafficking

Human trafficking leaving effects on victims is basically guaranteed, whether they’re physical or mental. Human trafficking is something that can happen to anyone, most commonly women and girls. Many females don’t feel comfortable going out in public because of the possibility of being trafficked. That doesn’t mean that men and people who don’t identify as either (male or female) don’t also experience being scared of human trafficking because it can happen to anyone. It is very important for people to recognize how this constant fear of being trafficked holds back people from living their life. It leaves people just as a shell of themselves. When someone is trafficked they are stripped of their humanity. They are bought and sold at the hands of strangers. Hopefully spreading awareness of the effects trafficking can leave on people will make people sympathize with people who have experienced this.


This image shows a point I made in my post. That Human trafficking spares no souls and can happen to anyone.

As a teenage girl, Human trafficking and other types of sexual or just abuse overall have always kinda had a little spot in the back of my mind. I have never experienced anything more than unwanted nudes or catcalling by older males when I am walking in the city. And that is common for most teenagers. I think everyone should know more about the after-effects of someone that experienced human trafficking is very important because then it might be taken more seriously. Some people that have experienced Human trafficking or rape might be hesitant to come forward because some people might not believe them. According to the Central Minnesota Sexual Assault Center, about 20% of America’s population are survivors of childhood Sexual assault. As many as 90% never report anything to law enforcement and 30% will never report it to anyone. According to the World Union of Catholic Women’s Organization, in 2018 at least 48.5% million people were enslaved in human trafficking.


This infographic shows many statistics of human trafficking

The most common effects Human trafficking can leave on a person is depressed, and PTSD. Those are more mental, More physical ones would include sexually transmitted diseases, substance abuse, or pregnancy. Having such concerns especially at such a young age is already very common amongst teenagers (especially this like depression, anxiety, and stress). An Interesting fact to keep in mind if you are talking to someone with past experience of being trafficked is that the effects of the trafficking can be emphasized based on past trauma, whether it’s violence abuse, or sexual. Another less talked about or less known effect is a victim can adopt a lack of independent skills, often relying on people they trust to help them live a normal life. These effects can also happen after they experience being trafficked. Often due to not being supported by family and loved ones or how the law failed the victim in trying to seek justice. It is so important that we focus on these effects as much as we should ensure more victims feel safer sharing their stories. Obviously, that trauma will never go away but there is so much good a person can do when they let others know that they are not alone.


This other infographic shows more statistics about human trafficking, more globally based.

So in conclusion understanding, the long-term effects that human trafficking can leave on a person is a very crucial step to making them feel like themselves again. We also went over a few heartbreaking statistics. Overall I am very pleased with the information I learned while working on this post. I would like to learn more about survivors and how their story has inspired others to go on. Another interesting topic to me is the effects human trafficking can leave on the victim’s family. So in general I am proud of my work and the information I have gathered.

This is a Ted Talk by Noy Thrupkaew. She talks about how human trafficking is a part of our daily lives, more so than you’ll think. How it is more than what we just think it is.

This is my annotated bibiliography
