enemy of the state

1)How the government is portrayed in this film?
In this movie, the government is portrayed like an agency who can do everything. He has  equipment such as satellites that can identify people. he has agents, spy, computer specialists etc...The NSA do part of the government.But we can see that NSA can control the government. whether the NSA decided to discredit someone, the government follow the NSA. 

2)How individual citizen`s privacy is respected?

The privacy is respected in some way for the government guard these data to him, they are not disclosed. But for exemple the NSA know everything on we.

​3) Your opinion on level of access the government should have to your personal info
I think that the government needs to have information on the population of his state.
He needs it for the protection of his population. To know who has a job. To know who don`t have a job. to follow the increase of the population. To know how many children have families. With that the government can do something for help the population if she needs help.
But if the government use surveillance camcorder for to know personal info on his population. if he use spy, if he use agency for to know your private informations. The government has a database of the public private data. And these data can to be hackers. In more, the government can break articles of the constitution of universal human rights.
You can`t say a secret if you don`t  know this secret.

4)When individual freedoms can/should be restricted for safety of community?
the individual freedoms must be restrict when individual`s no longer recognizes the limitations of these libertees established by the constitution of the rights of the man. Eg personal injury. Like says one article of the constitution:
Freedom is to be able to do anything that does not harm others: thus the exercise of the natural rights of each man has no limits except those which assure to the other members of the society the enjoyment of these same rights. These limits can only be determined by law
