¡Hola, guapa! Meses y feches

One of the first things you need to know about the months and dates of the year is how to say the months and their spelling. *Note: that the months in Spanish are not capitalized!* The months of the year in Spanish is as follows:
 Lesson 1: Months (Meses)
*click "Meses" for a link to the months in Spanish*

English: Spanish
January: enero
Feburary: febrero
March: marzo
April: abril
May: mayo
June: junio
July: julio
August: augosto
September: septiembre
October: octubre
November: noviembre
December: diciembre

Lesson 2: Numbers in Spanish
You need to know how to say the numbers in Spanish to say and know what the date is. The following are the numbers 1-10 in Spanish and then 20 and 30.

1. uno
2. dos
3. tres
4. cuatro
5. cinco
6. seis
7. siete
8. ocho
9. nueve
10. diez
20. veinte
30. treinta

Lesson 3: Dates of the Year
In Spanish and many other countries you write the number of the day before you write the month.
To ask the date you would say, "¿Cuàl es la feche de hoy?" 
Also not that to say the date you say, "Es el (numero) de (meses)"
The following are some important dates of the year:
Spanish: English:
1-1 Es el uno de enero January 1st
5-5 Es el cinco de mayo May 5th
31-10 Es el treinta y uno de octubre October 31st
25-12 Es el veinticinco de diciembre December 25th
Video Introduction:

Here's a video showing Mia giving Caitlin a birthday present and Caitlin asking Mia when her birthday is.
