I'm From A Castle of Expectation

I’m From


I’m from A physical family of six

Mixed together in a spiritual family of billions

Because we believe that

We are all one family in God

I’m from “read your bible every night” and

Make sure everyday you are a light and

Strive to

Brighten someone else’s life

I’m from

“You can do anything you put your mind to

So put your mind to higher things”

I’m from many midnights dressed in pizza and wings

Hot sauce that stings the corners of your eyes

Previously used to cry

From Being told that I will amount to nothing if I continue to do nothing

I’m from

“Oh it’s okay sweetie a C is better than a F”


“Don’t lie to her. Anything lower than a B is a F to me”

I’m from the womb of a strongly emotional woman

And the seed of a man who can tell you webster’s definition of love


Not describe it for himself

Because “Emotions are a weakness and hindrance and you can not benefit from

Making decisions out of them ”

I’m from

“Ladies sit like this” and I

Constantly remind

my origin that I’m not a lady I’m a female

I’m from the tale

Of a Romeo and Juliet gone wrong

And yet hold strong to the hope that

Mine will go right

If I pray and live right

And wait for my knight to arrive

I’m an from a castle of expectations that

I can never seem to climb to the highest tower of

