Kadija`s 5-minutes of Science


An orgasm is an intense height in pleasure during sexual activities, often called climaxing. During an orgasm, the brain receives a lot of nerves that flow through to the pleasure part of the brain, the same part that lights up when we eat something that we really like. This part also lights up during drug use, so when people say they are ‘addicted’ to love, they are telling the truth.  During an orgasm, muscle contractions in the pelvic and genital region take place. They are controlled by the autonomic nervous system, which also causes involuntary muscle spasms, and frequent body movements. After an orgasm, the body usually experiences the refractory period, which is the recovery for both parties. Men experience an increase of hormone oxytocin, which can be the determining factor that they can not orgasm right after the first one.


A study at Rutgers University observed six fully ejaculatory orgasms were experienced in one male, although very rare. 18-year old man's refractory period is about 15 minutes, and 70-year old men are about 20 hours, but the average man is about 36 minutes. There are a lot of physiological changes as well, such as a relaxed mind caused by prolactin. Also it helps with breast cancer cells., because the oxytocin can help prevent the development of breast cancer cells


I had no idea that an orgasm was connecting to all these things. I think that society makes it look a certain way that makes it not have all these beneficial attributes that can actually help your body. I mean, I don't have anything to say about it, but that abstinence is always key.

Work Cited:
  • "What Is an Orgasm?" - Health Questions. Web. 27 Apr. 2016.

"Anatomy of a Climax." EverydayHealth.com. Web. 27 Apr. 2016.
