Kuzonza Barnes: Wisdom and Work

My goal for this podcast was to get an idea and view on my mother's opinion of work and what it means to have had work or to work in general. Although she does not work a paid job, I was interested in her definition and how it shaped her and what it meant not only as someone who worked in the past but even as a mother. I also wanted to get her opinions about work, wisdom, and satisfaction and how you need both to balance out each other out. During this project, there were a lot of things that went wrong and a lot of things that went well. The things that went well, was getting my mom to not only cooperate  but also her engaging answers, that allowed me to learn even more than I thought I knew about her. It was a really enjoyable thing to interview her and I enjoyed it. However, some things that went wrong was editing and that entire process. I stressed a lot but in the end I am proud with my finished product.  

