LGBTQ+ Inequality Worldwide

We are equal. We are all human. We all live on earth. These things should be obvious right? Then why are there many acts of inequality around the world? One specific act of inequality is the hate towards the LGBTQ community. As I am a part of the community it is frustrating being bullied and watching others get hurt for being who they are even if we are all equal. My goal here is to not only educate you but to give you reasons and examples on how you can help the inequality in the LGBTQ community. Did you know that 71% of lgbt youth experience discrimination just for the way they are? 58% of transgender and nonbinary you are discouraged for using bathrooms that arent right for them and people don’t really care about it. [That is not equality.] (

[This graph shows the ratio of discrimination lgbtq you experience.](
[This graph shows the ratio of discrimination lgbtq you experience.](

Summary: After the law passing there are little to no changes in the discrimination towards the lgbtq+ community. There have been subtle changes that are good but have not impacted for the better. For example, some young lgbtq+ are in fear of experiencing discrimination in school or just in general. As of 2016 1 in 4 LGBT people are experiencing discrimination. Even though progress has been made, 27% of trans men and women are being fired because of their sexual orientation. 25% of LGBT people in general face discrimination because of their sexual orientation as well. The part that doesn’t get fired still gets affected by unseen harm. If there are get together s the men would only invite the men so no gay men could go causing them to feel left out or discriminated against.

Equality, something people all over the world have been fighting for, but have yet to experience. But in a more specific aspect, LGBTQ+ equality. In not just America, but everywhere including places such as El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, there is inequality much worse than it seems. People even try to escape the violence that is in their homeland just to be able to be free, to be accepted, to be equal. This has been going on for years along with other acts of inequality and people trying to escape for a better life, but for some reason, it hasn’t been brought to anyone’s attention- no it’s not that it hasn’t been brought to anyone’s attention, its that no one has cared enough to make it a mainstream issue until now (since there are more people from the lgbtq+ community).


Though the science department in America follows the equality of LGBTQ+, the people who work in the fields do not follow the same laws. There is discrimination within the walls that need to be dealt with. There are more reports of harassment of LGBTQ+ in facilities than other counterparts. It was found that LGBTQ+ workers who work in the STEM field have worse experiences in the workplace than LGBTQ+ who don’t work in STEM systems. In surveys, interviews, and other data collected show that anti- LGBTQ+ biases were being practiced in most STEM workplaces meaning that that wouldn’t change just like that, they are used to this. Like something they know they should do.


link to my bibliography
