Lobbying Blog Post 3

I would say that when spring comes around my issue of legislation, the cleaning of Philadelphia parks will be good. Despite the hard times that the economy is going through, people really love their parks and the beauty that it brings to the city. There are forums that people can find and add in their two bits to the issue. Mayor Nutter has put in place last year the "unlitter us" campaign to encourage people to clean up the city and the parks. There are also other groups that are dedicated to helping make parks look great and they have brought a mass amount of support and volunteers to the cause.

The only Philadelphia city council members that would be needed to make any bill to help the environment go smoother would be, Councilman O'Neill, Councilwoman Miller, Councilwoman Blackwell, and Councilwoman Krajewski. Those council people are not members of the Philadelphia Parks and Recreation and may cause a protest about the distribution of money, though if it comes to a vote, there will be something done to improve parks and make Philly move forward because the majority of the city council plus the mayor is in support for the cleaning of Philadelphia parks.

As far as I know, no one else is working on the topic to make sure that Philadelphia parks are clean. I believe that I could influence some people in my school but there are already a lot of people who would love to see parks be pretty. The time frame for this would have to be in the nicer weather, around April or May would probably be the earliest of starting time frames before when anything will start moving.
