Original Research and Planning: You And The World Project

In blog post #1, the issue of the effect on children with an incarcerated parent or parents was discussed. In the first blog post, we learned that a child with an incarcerated parent tend to have behavioral issues, and cannot cope or be around other people and kids that have normal families. The effects are wrecking, and can sometimes last a lifetime, but some are temporary. Their behavior, social life, education, health, and daily life periods are affected in some type of way. Since the first blog, my research has expanded and more information has been collected. Important information like the effect of behavioral issues to why the gender of the parent matters has been deeply investigated. Proper original research was handled and taken into consideration. Here are more details about parental incarceration and the effect it has on children and teens.

To get a deeper understanding, I chose to do an interview. This interview specifically targeted a  child or teenager who have or had a parent going through incarceration. I wanted to also interview someone who was more mature and comfortable talking about their issues. In that,  I asked my sister Nashay McCord if she could take part in my project and complete the interview. She said yes and created a movie/video answering the interview questions. From this original research and source, I learned that incarceration affects everyone differently and there are different responses to some of the same situations.

Nashay during the interview sharing her opinion.
Nashay during the interview sharing her opinion.
In the interview, Nashay stated that she has major anger issues that she can’t seem to control. Part of this is because her father is incarcerated and sometimes unable to reach her and calm her down. Often there are situations where you need a certain parent of a certain gender to help with certain issues. Completing this interview helped to finalize and make certainty of children being deeply affected by parental incarceration. Also from this interview and further research, I learned that the effects follow you as you get older and become more exposed to life and the situations and people that it brings along. As you will see in the video, I asked questions like, how does parental incarceration personally (socially, educationally, and daily) affects you? Do you feel that the communication between you and your father could be improved? What is your opinion about the justice system creating fair and easy ways for you and your parent to communicate better and see each other more? Reasons I asked these questions was to get a solid answer about a teenagers affected life. Me and my sister are two different people struggling with the same problem. So to see her responses and to compare them with my own personal opinions, now I see that incarceration is handled differently by certain people. Not all have the same effects and not all can grasp the understanding of controlling themselves and getting through certain situations. This information doesn’t just go for the two of us, but is widely broad and applies to everyone who has or is experiencing parental incarceration.

Me and Nashay's father. A picture of him that was taken and sent to me and Nashay.
Me and Nashay's father. A picture of him that was taken and sent to me and Nashay.
Just a few of the letters and pictures my father wrote and sent to me throughout the years of his incarceration.
Just a few of the letters and pictures my father wrote and sent to me throughout the years of his incarceration.
