Podcast #2 Aghlies, Zivia, Rayanne, Amir, and Trey


Comments (10)

Freya Sewell (Student 2023)
Freya Sewell

The recap was really helpful for understanding the context of what's being talked about and the way you build off of each other's points and generate a deeper interpretation of the book is incredible.

Kayla Parlin (Student 2023)
Kayla Parlin

The flow of the conversation was evident in the podcast and the lens that you chose was heavily supported by your own work and your novel, it really shows how well you guys understand your novel.

Riley Prell (Student 2023)
Riley Prell

I think you guys did a really good job working off of each other and exploring deep details in the book. Bringing the time of the book into the conversation and seeing how that affected the writing was really interesting.

Hanna Roemer-Block (Student 2023)
Hanna Roemer-Block

I really liked listening to all of your thoughts on how the characters view beauty through a racial lens, and your connections to other pieces of media that you related to the book.

Isabel Attenberg (Student 2023)
Isabel Attenberg

Having not listened to the first episode of this podcast, I was actually able to get a good grasp of what the book is about just from the context you guys were giving. You interacted very well during the podcast, responding to each others' ideas thoughtfully. Really nice dissection of the multiple themes and the intersectionality within them.