Printmaking Traditions

Nasya Ie

Printmaking is a form of art, for religious use, mark an animal or prisoner, and there are different techniques to printmaking. Printmaking can be in different forms, Intaglio, stencil etc. Each Type of printmaking uses different materials and techniques. The form of printmaking was originated from China, China they used it for religious show their religious idols.

The one of the oldest type of relief printing is engraving, engraved designs were found on bones, stones and cave walls. But what was their ink back then? They used clay to make that impression. Printmaking was spreaded to Europe and Europe used it for religious use also. At that time it was getting popular, they would print things on thin pieces of paper and some people would eat it. Whatever the image was on the paper it will protect them or the will make wishes. This shows that printmaking we different for everybody they will use for different uses.

Here is an example of Chinese printmaking

Image result for printmaking from china

I chosed this printmaking because you can see every detail and it shows you that you can do a lot with printmaking. You can see the texture, different color and how real it looks.

Overall for printmaking it can be different, printmaking can be used for traditions, religion, art, and communicate with each other.
