Q1: Figure and Clear Object Drawing

Honestly, I create the pieces I do because they are assigned to me. Although, my goals are not assigned, I’ve set my own. My goals and aspirations for this class are to just enhance my drawing and creating skills. I would like to be able to draw more precisely and with more accuracy than I do now. Another goal is to change my view of art. I see it as a class but I don’t equate it to my other classes, which isn’t fair. I know Ms. Hull takes Art seriously as my teacher and I should do the same as a student. I want to turn in all my assignments on time and treat art like a main course. Art was never my favorite subject but I know that if I indulge myself into the class and the work, it could be something I’d enjoy.

            Before I make any decisions when I’m working I consult the Art teacher or the assistant teacher. Since they are experienced they know how to manipulate my ideas to make them better and greater than the ideas I originally had. Many of the times the art teacher gives us the material to use but there are many ways to use one single material/tool. Since I’m a beginner many of the techniques are taught then assigned to us so we can practice and perfect them. Many of my own techniques are simple. In the end, I’m just doing as best as I can to make a replica on paper of what I’m seeing in real life.

            My latest piece of work was the clear object drawing. If you look at my first figure drawing and compare it to the clear object drawing you can see that effort put into them is completely different. During the first drawing I was worried about how I didn’t like art but in the second one I didn’t care about that, I just drew the object to the best of my ability. I’m proud of my second piece because it was the second real piece of art I’ve constructed. I also love it because of the tool we used which was charcoal. I enjoyed constructing this so much because when working with charcoal I’m reminded that in the beginning things may look thick, dark, and unable to be erased but with a gentle brush over it, it can change into something much more pleasant.  


Full body drawing
Full body drawing
Clear drawing
Clear drawing
