
I have gotten new information such as the actual numbers and graphs on the people that drop out of school from grades 9-12 or sooner. I had to restart my blog so i don't have a blog one. I will be investigating further more on my issue and trying to fine the cost of people dropping out. 

Really people… 

I'll be discussing about the serious issue of Children/Teens dropping out of school.

Many of you may be saying "so, i got my education why should i worry bout a couple of trouble makers dropping out". Well, these "trouble makers" are the words future and if we don't do nothing to stop them then the world will be a awful place. We need come up with a solution to get these teens out the streets and into the class room learning. Now, below you will see a graph showing multiple races and class years. If you see, "latinos" always are the first ones to drop out of school and have the lowest graduation percentile than any other right next to african americans. Of course Asian and whites are in first but it's not base on skin color. It's based on the child's back ground, environment and their inspirations. Many young black males and latino males have nobody there to sit with them and go over the days homework or have someone read them a simple book or even ask them how their day was. They just come home to hang out with their friends in the streets are get shot up on the block. Where are the parents at you ask? probably out in the streets or in a dead end job trying to put food on the table. I just think that this is the most serious american issue because these kids are our future and we Must get them help and try to teach them valuable things and instead of yelling at them and making them feel bad about them even more, sit down with them and listen to them and try to be a loyal friend. So, the graph below will be explaining all of the data that i got from research and such. i also see that no matter what i the Asian is always on first and latino/ black are always on last that's why there are so many stero types about us. !19-charts.jpg

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