
Hey, mom, I am home. Oh sorry I forgot to I will get it done when I get done my


ok, but I need to do my homewo... ok mom fine I will get it done right now

Although really, I don't care about cleaning when I have homework that needs to be done

I don't understand why I have to do this now this is wasting time I could spend doing homework.

And you ask why I am failing a few of my classes. Ho, I did not say anything it's not like people listen to me anyway.

I am going to go to the bathroom I have to go take a whizz. What are you in my room for, I did not start cleaning it, wow ok where did you find that. No, I asked you a question first where did you find that at. Oh ok, so you went into my bag and found marijuana. It's cool because that's not mine I don't smoke.

Oh shit I  don't have any idea what to do or what to say, I already know I am going to get kicked out the house for having it but if she knows I smoke it that means that I am dead.

If I tell you the truth than you will just talk over me and I never get what I wanted to say. If you really want to know you need to calm down and have a conversation with me like I am 17 Years old and a junior in high school.

SHIT do I really tell her the truth or do I make up something.

Are you ready mom? Ok then here is the truth. I am stressed you give me thirty things to do and then you get mad at me when I forget to do one thing you then you say that I am not getting anything done and I did not do anything but I clearly did and you can see what I did. You don't understand how much I have to do and you hit me when the things not there, like hitting me is going to make the situation better. Every night I go to sleep crying with no food in my stomach because we don't have money and I have to work two jobs just to get a bag of chips some sprite.


Oh, that's not the half of it


as soon as I come home you are always yelling at me like today. (Yelling) Stop talking when I am talking if you don't like it when people do it to you why would you do it to them


Thank you. Now another thing is that you want things done as soon as you say it that's not how it works you are treating me as a slave and I tell you things and you don't  them right now so why, should I have to. What because you are an adult ok and I am a teenager and may people say I am a young gentleman, and gentlemen and men are adults so, I think you can call me an adult too. But I am a young adult so I should be able to make my own decisions. From now on, I want to be respected and when I say that I have more important things to do that means that I have homework to do, and if I don't get to it right away that does not mean that I will not get it done. So I guess what I am asking you to do is just chill out ok. Thank you. I am going to do my homework. Yeah…  OH, the weed in my bag?

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