Shaion Denny Capstone

Since I was a child I was always good at math. Once I got to high school my math classes got a little bit harder and throughout them I never really had anyone there to help me when I struggled throughout the years besides my teachers. While I did manage to pass each one I still to this day wish I had someone helping me outside of class. Now that I SAT an Algebra 1 class I feel like they deserve the benefits I wasn’t given during my freshman days. Like they do I had an SAT in my math classes but my SAT’s were there for me during class and to make sure I did my work outside of it but they didn’t put too much effort into making sure I understood it. That’s why for my capstone I focused on creating a peer tutoring program so that children don’t have to depend on their SAT’s. In the program the students are paired up with other students who understand the concept they might need to improve in. These children have spent weeks with each other bonding and helping each other with math. To not only see these kids work together but to be able to provide them with an outside source for me was truly amazing. The progress that these student make is also pretty amazing. They went from a group of kids who could care less about math and just wanted to pass to a group of math lovers. I’m more than proud to be able to say that I helped these children develop long lasting friends and a love for math to go with it.


Robinson, Debbie R., Janet Ward Schofield, and Katrina L. Steers-Wentzell. “Peer and Cross-age Tutoring in Math: Outcomes and Their Design Implications”. Educational Psychology Review 17.4 (2005): 327–362. Web…

Children in the same grade/ age will be teaching each other and should understand how to communicate with their peers. The tutors will be teaching their friends and being about to talk to them is key. This site is sort of a reference for me to let me know what I should be telling those kids to do when teaching their friends.

Mengping Tsuei. “Mathematics Synchronous Peer Tutoring System for Students with Learning Disabilities”. Journal of Educational Technology & Society 17.1 (2014): 115–127. Web…

Some students will have a very hard time understanding the concepts we will be trying to teach them. Even if 100% of the students that come in don’t have a disability this site will still be helpful. Math is one of the absolute hardest subject to retain memory about. Math for even people without disabilities is very difficult.

Martino, Louis R.. “Peer Tutoring Classes for Young Adolescents: A Cost-effective Strategy”.Middle School Journal 25.4 (1994): 55–58. Web…  

I used this site to help me understand what exactly I might have to deal with when attempting to tutor freshman. This site talks mostly about middle schoolers but since freshman are only one grade above that I figured it is the same concept overall.

Brady, Nancy C.. “The Teaching Game: A Reciprocal Peer Tutoring Program for Preschool Children”. Education and Treatment of Children 20.2 (1997): 123–149. Web…

This site was sort of off topic because it wasn’t about children understanding math or even children in high/ middle school. This site helped me understand how to break own peer tutoring for younger kids. It talks about kids in preschool and how they tutored each other. I found this very outstanding and think it will useful when explaining to the tutors and people being tutored about why what they’re doing is so great.

"Research Spotlight on Peer Tutoring." Rss. Web. 04 Feb. 2016. <>.

I used this site to sort of break down for myself what exactly is peer tutoring and how it can be used. This site is helpful when it comes to finding out the benefits that come with peer tutoring. I received the basic information about peer tutoring through this site.

"Peer Tutoring Questionaire." Interview. 04 Feb. 2016: n. pag. Print.

To gather all of the tutors and people who want to receive tutoring Daniel and I created a form for freshman to fill out. This form will allow us to know which children need/ want tutoring and which children believe they are able to tutor their classmates.

"Teaching Math." Interview by Ms. Chrisiss. 04 Feb. 2016: n. pag. Print.

Ms. Chrisiss teaches with me in Mrs. Giorgio’s algebra 1 class. Lately she has been teaching on her own and I was curious to know why she does it. She was able to express to me that she always loved math but it wasn’t always clear to her that she wanted to teach it to children. She went into college as a engineer major then she changed her mind. I want to use what she told m to teach the tutors.

"Tutoring Assessment." Interview by Cameron Hinton. 29 Jan. 2016: n. pag. Print.

This is my dear friend Cameron Hinton. He is a senior in high school, he has had experience receiving tutoring. I want to use his response to better understand how this will be affecting these freshmen when they go to higher and higher math levels.

"Tutoring Assessment." Interview by Arsenio Gomez. 30 Jan. 2016: n. pag. Print.

Arsenio Gomez is a junior as my school. He is a kid I have worked close with in the past and I feel like his response provide an insight into how to not only get tutoring but to also be the  one giving it. He tells me how he sometimes tutors his younger family members in things they might not understand.

"TEACH - Q&A Webinar with the Teachers from the Film!" Documentary Film TEACH by Davis Guggenheim: Q&A W/ the Teachers. Web. 05 Feb. 2016. <>.

This is a great site about how teachers sort of ban together online and to work with students who need help. I know this seems like it doesn’t fit in but it’s really helpful when it comes to understanding how different teachers work on solving problems.
