The Dull And Ameer Show

Q1 Benchmark // Contemporary Kafkaesque

For connecting themes of this era through the literature of today, this is the ultimate project. To us, what defines this era is comedy, and it is fed to us through the fruits of the labor of previous eras. Throughout human history comedy has been prevalent. Kings had jesters, towns had circuses, however in no other era than today has comedy been so widely integrated into everyday life. Not just the everyday child's playful humor, but adult humor as well has evolved. It is now acceptable, often without prosecution, to say many politically incorrect things as long as this evolved concept of comedy is tagged onto it. Through this project we explore the thing that governs our social lives; the thing that has evolved so adeptly to such an extreme extent in humans that it defines us; the thing that eases our souls of grimace and pushes us towards good time and witty thought. What we explore here is a little thing called comedy; the theme that defines this era.

The Planning Doc - here
Some Alt Audience Response In Video Comments - here

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