:) Tobacco Revolution

​Sorry a bit late.. Had problems (: 

Cecelia's Sources:

 "Decline in Cigarette Smoking Since the 1980s." Cigarettes and Health Issues Related to Smoking. Smoking Statistics, 29 July 2009. Web. 08 Jan. 2012. <http://www.smokingstatistics.org/Decline_in_Cigarette_Smoking_Since_the_1980s.asp>.

This source was used throughout the project in a way to quote for my tumblr, and it lead to me to the Surgeon General warning idea that I also used for my paper. This link was the foundation of my understanding of what kind of time period I was in and the types of things I would be speaking about. It is basically a copy of my paper without the actually copying in process. This link states the history and background to tobacco. It leads off into commercials and advisement. Then it goes onto how the banning and regulations made against tobacco. Also leading up the publication that smoking cannot be in public areas. It also went into giving stats on the amount of deaths and states that banned tobacco from the public. This site was like a mini doing of my tumblr project. I even use the bottom image of Uncle Sam in my project so show how he influences America

- Cleveland, Emily. "Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act." Minnesota House of Representatives. Web. Jan. 2012. <http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/hrd/pubs/ss/ssmciaa.htm>.

Here gave me a brief understanding to what the Minnesota Clean indoor act is. Where exactly people cannot smoke and where they can. It explained to me the start of the act and how it still continues. I used this for my knowledge to see how the first act against Minnesota and smoking could have eventually lead to the clean indoor air act. People are actually ordered to put up signs saying no smoking to influence others, NOT to smoke. The department of health of the enforcers to this act and they give heavy fines for those who disobey it. I may have named a few places here where smoking is not aloud in my reform essay describing the banning of smoking in public places. Minnesota happens to be one of the first to actually ban smoking in some public areas, not all, but some. Then followed a lot of other states.

- The Government and the Courts -Suing The Tobacco Companies - Settlement, Billion, Documents, and Industry Http://www.libraryindex.com/pages/2134/Government-Courts-SUING-TOBACCO-COMPANIES.html#ixzz1j6Q8kFJ5." Library Index. Web. <http://www.libraryindex.com/pages/2134/Government-Courts-SUING-TOBACCO-COMPANIES.html>.

This page gave more of the history to tobacco and the wars. It gave details onto the suing done to tobacco companies and the health cost that companies had to pay to make up for lying to the communities. It also showed the reaction effect that after Mississippi did it’s suing, and then MANY other states decided to sue too. With this link I used it to understand know what types of damage was done after the warning was given out to the public and how they reacted to it. From there I was able to conclude the next step.. How they went even further in the banning chain to end tobacco for all. It is the war between people and big tobacco companies. It states some things about how people went on shows and did interviews about companies making the unhealthy level of their cigs even worse, but I didn’t use that information.

- Heloma, Antero, Markku Nurminen, Kari Reijula, and Jorma Rantanen. "Smoking Prevalence, Smoking-Related Lung Diseases, and National Tobacco Control Legislation." Medscape. Chest, 20 Dec. 2004. Web. <http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/495890>.

This is a site of a bunch of stats that can explain even more lung cancer death, but it’s a bit more recent into the 80’s and 90’s. More like it ranges from 1960-2000. There was a research assignment constructed and this is the link that shows the results and objectives of the information. It all states increases in male, yet a slight decrease in female. It says that 20% of people die from lung cancer due to smoking. I used these statistics to look at what happens even further into the future, now talking about the time of banning in public places and ads rather than just the warning. It even gives information on Europe smokers, but that didn’t pertain to me. Things for tobacco started to REALLY decrease in the 1980’s but I wondered why so far after the warning? That was around the time they decided to put labels and show people what they were smoking, which scared people, so it went down in rating.

- McGrew, Jane. "History of Tobacco Regulation." DRCNet Online Library of Drug Policy. National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. Web. Jan. 2012. <http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/library/studies/nc/nc2b.htm>.

This link was used to show the history of the tobacco regulation. Regulating and giving laws to tobacco companies and the communities use of tobacco. Very similar to the other links, but I used quotes given in the site. Quotes from someone named brooks, I’m not sure who that is, but I stated the link I found it when I used the quote in the tumblr I made. Two of the quotes were used actually, one talks one this poem about how tobacco is bad and the other quote talks about a shortened verse from a book that describes a woman’s weeping for her husband. I am supposing these of quotes of tobacco poetry the man brooks made.  This link goes further than just quotes from men named brooks or gottsegen, it also goes into more regulation for publication, for revenue, tobacco revenues, and taxing on tobacco. I just used the quotes and a few facts.

- Bayne-Jones, Stanhope, Walter J. Burdette, William G. Cochran, Emmanuel Farber, Louis F. Fieser, Jacob Furth, John B. Hickam, Charles LeMaistre, Leonard M. Schuman, and Maurice H. Seevers. "Smoking and Health (1964)." Profiles in Science. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 27 Mar. 2002. Web. 08 Jan. 2012. <http://profiles.nlm.nih.gov/ps/retrieve/ResourceMetadata/NNBBMQ>.

These are the reports of the Surgeon General. His FIRST document that explains the connection between tobacco and cancer. He gave us the truth about tobacco and how it really is not good for the communities’ health. If people smoke it more, than they have a higher chance of dying. Which lead onto people going crazy because of their health. I used this pdf link, as a background onto the start of people seeing tobacco as a bad thing. I used a quote or two from her to give proof and explain the history of tobacco’s bad.  This research was conducted with loads of scientists, not just one man. I got that confused at one point. The document goes over everything like the study, the criteria, conclusions, cancer, what is in cigarettes, cardio diseases, other things that tobacco can do to harm our health, and so much more. It has 15 chapters

- "Clean Indoor Act." Health.State. 1975. Web. <https://docs.google.com/a/scienceleadership.org/viewer?url=http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/indoorair/mciaa/ftb/mciaa.pdf>

This is a breakdown to the clean indoor air act. It gives great specifics to what exactly goes on when dealing with this act. It gives definitions to what a public place is, what smoking is (things I used for my project), and for some reason what public transportation is. It states what is a prohibited place to smoke in, penalties, and responsibilities of the community. I used definitions in my project to state what EXACTLY terms mean when dealing with the idea of smoking and a public place. From reading, I can understand that the clean indoor air act is to make the air surrounding the community a lot cleaner and healthier for people to breath in. not specifically for the smokers because they already have bad lungs. It is more for the people who do NOT smoke, so they do not receive such a deadly reaction to the second hand smoke floating around.

- Thun, M., C. Day-Lally, W. Flanders, and C. Heath. "Excess Mortality among Cigarette Smokers: Changes in a 20-year Interval." Purmed Centrel. American Public Health Association. Web. Sept. 1995. <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1615570/>.

This was a link filed with data about stats on the death toll when it came down to tobacco. The years ranged up to the 1990’s, and it gave the differences in death for men and woman. It was an original study, with graphs and charts from the 1960’s up to 1988. It shows that lung cancer death rates have increase in both sexes, but for smokers and non-smokers. Which could be a result of second hand smoking. It stated that lung cancer is the largest smoking death among the white middle class. It also shows weird texts pages and charts that are a bit hard to understand so I didn’t use them much. But I used the information of the 1960’s, to show when the warning came out in 1964, that they got their data from somewhere to show how lung cancer relates to smoking even if it was not the exact data he used.

- P, A. "MINNESOTA DOCTORS BEGIN EFFORT TO END SMOKING IN THE STATE." NYTimes.com. 18 Nov. 1984. Web. Jan. 2012. <http://www.nytimes.com/1984/11/18/us/minnesota-doctors-begin-effort-to-end-smoking-in-the-state.html?scp=10>.

This is the other New York Times article that I came across which talks about Minnesota and their struggle to try and end smoking in general for the state. I used this one quote found where a doctor said how could they try and tell others to stop smoking if the patience see them smoking? Which is why smoking in work areas, hospitals, and publics schools got banned to not influence or harm the ones around them. They are trying to encourage and basically brain wash people into hating smoking so as the years go by, people would want to smoke less and less… making the state smoke free. This article was written in 1984, which shows that the wanting of a smoke free state hasn’t shown much progress, since I’m sure people still smoke there. It also gives quotes from patience to doctors about their habit to wanting to quite but just not being able to.

- "More Doctors Smoke Camels Than Any Other Cigarette." YouTube. Ed. Jack Mcgoldrick. YouTube, 11 Nov. 2006. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCMzjJjuxQI>.

I used this video as a starter to my project. I loved the video itself, that in the end I recreated the second half of the video with my partner and I. We ended up using the voice over and everything! It was lovely how it came out! Looks pretty legit. I didn't know how to site the source for YouTube, so I just used the username of the video up loader. Which, I know isn't the original source of the video, but the video is primary. Obviously, a doctor smoking is awful and I use this as the first commercial before the first article as a way to show how smoking was promoted in the past.

- Scurry254624. "(Forgotten Mascots) - Joe Camel." YouTube. YouTube, 30 Nov. 2009. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgVAdukH1mw>.

This link was used as the ability for another "copy" to show the coooool joe camel that Tyree can be. Also meant for comedy reasons, because it pretty hilarious how a like they look in the video. I wasn't very fond of the setting to the clip split screen, but it looks better than anything else that was tried. This video was used before the reaction article that talked about the "ban" of cartoon commercials. Great direction to commercial then video.  

- Psychotronic42. "Flintstones Cigarette Commercial." YouTube. YouTube, 18 Jan. 2007. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAExoSozc2c>.

There was space that was needed and this video filled the extra space. Meant for comedy, information, shocking, and yet very interesting promo to tobacco smoking. Another sign to Tobacco companies campaigning to the younger generations. I sometimes wonder if this video was made my "non official" people, and if it was A real commercial let out years ago. Companies lied about how good this taste!

If Tyree puts his in something OTHER than link format then I'll add them. 
