today's story...

honestly, i have no idea what to write about today. so im gonna do that stream of conciousness thing, you know where you write down everything that pops into your head. the only problem is im not very good at that. all i can think about is what im doing, the writing assignment. and then theres no stream of conciousness, its more like a lake of conciousness or something. or a puddle. not much goin on up here... kind of like that game where somebody says a word and you have to write down what you think of when they say that word... well im bad at that. like if somebody says, hey beth what do you think of when i say the word green, all i see is the word "green" or maybe a picture of the color but never the proper response like grass or frog or tree... so i go, green! and they go, no beth... you're not supposed to just repeat the word. and i feel like an idiot.
