U.S. Involvement in the Korean War

During the years of 1950 through 1953, North and South Korea struggled to agree to a government that can unite the two Koreas together. However, North Korea already joined the Soviet Union and agreed to become a communist nation. Therefore, when North Korea invaded South Korea to take South Korea under control, the U.S. got involved. The U.S. wanted to contain communism. 

I choose this topic to study because I wanted to learn more about what exactly happened during the war. I already knew the general gist of the war, but I wanted to learn more in-depth what U.S. South Korea gained or lost in result of the Korean War.

Comments (3)

Lauren Hummel (Student 2016)
Lauren Hummel

I LOVE ALL THE PICTURES!!! Many of the infographics I have seen did not have many pictures, but this has a plethora and they all convey a message and enhance the information being given. It is also very informative and is easy to understand. GREAT JOB!

Esperanza Gonzalez (Student 2016)
Esperanza Gonzalez

Hey! I really like the way that you portrayed the information. I thought the background color was lovely. I really liked the way the way you summarized. Sometime using too much words ruins the whole thing. However, you didn't do that, which is great. The little pictures totally blended in with everything. Good job!

Joshua Berg (Student 2016)
Joshua Berg

This looks very good. Very visually appealing and all of the little graphics look nice. I didn't understand the donut chart, hostile, non-hostile and wounded? Couldn't wounded and something else be mutually not exclusive? The other graph was worded somewhat generally. I don't know what total amount of money possessed means. GDP?