Uncommon Romance Part 2

She was one the phone when he knocked on her wall a few weeks later. She looked up, surprised to see him standing in the doorway of her cubicle.   

"Oh, um, can I call you back, Pierre? Someone just walked in.  Ok, I will. Right.  Thanks. Bye."  Her eyes narrowed. "How did you-"

"I just asked. There aren't too many women working in this department."

"Of course." She felt the blooding flooding her cheeks.  She was attracted to him and he was well aware.

"I would love to take you to dinner, when you have some free time. I know a great place that's right around here." He waited for her response.

"Sure.  I mean, yes.  That would be great." She made a mental note to work on her nervousness in the meantime.    
