Voting Polls Assignment.

Cedar Park Presbyterian Church

(215) 549-9775

7740 Limekiln Pike

Philadelphia, PA 19150

  1. Q.  What Motivated you to come out and vote?

A.  My motivation to come vote was the fact that I know if I don't vote, nothing will change. Also, I can't complain that things aren't right if if I don't do my part and participate.

  1. Q. What would you like to see changed in our political system?

    A. I would like for there to be more equality for everyone.

  2. Q.Do you vote in every election? (How regularly do you vote?)

    A. I vote in every election for the most part.

  3. Q. Do you know why we vote on Tuesday?

    A. Years ago, Tuesday was the least busy day for farmers to leave their farms so it was easier to come out and vote.

  4. Q.Where have you encountered the highest amount of ad campaigning?

    A. The Television.

  5. Q. What was the most memorable campaign ad that you have encountered?

    A. It was a rap done my Mayoral candidate Chaka Fattah.

  6. Q. Are you always sure of who you are going to vote for when you walk into the booth or are you still deliberating? 

    A. I usually know who I'm voting for, but there are times when I need to think about it a little bit longer.

  7. Q.What changes do you hope to see in Philadelphia as a result of this election?

    A. I would like to see more money go to education and for there to be more city programs for the youth.

  8. Q. What impact do you feel your vote will have on the election?

    A. I feel like I had a part in who will win. If my candidate wins I'll be able to say "I helped do that"

  9. Q. Did you learn about voting in school? If yes, did that impact your willingness to vote today?

    A. I learned about voting from a few places, School, media and my mother and they all had an impact on my willingness to vote today.

    My Extra-Credit Reflection: On November 2, 2010. I stood on the corner of my street and passed out informational cards about the rights of voting. Although not an abnormal abundance of people come through my neighborhood enough come through to get the word out about voting. As I stood on the corner passing out flyers I noticed the expressions of peoples faces as they read the information showed me that they didn't know all of the information on the card. A few people that took cards told me that they had already voted earlier that morning and that I should vote as soon as I get the opportunity. People were shocked to find out I was 16 and I was spending my time off of school to get out the word on voting. I feel like by me handing out information on voting I helped spread the word to a larger community.. There wasn't one person that turned me away. After today I feel like when people are more informed they definitely care more. I liked this extra credit assignment I really feel like I helped make a potential difference. 

