Guernica desde el punto de vista de Kanye West

Si tuviera que describir la pintura, yo diría que está bien porque es único. Me gusta el toro, ya que simboliza la fuerza. Me gusta la parte con el bebé muerto porque era profunda (aunque era triste). Para mí, la madre simboliza el amor. En general, me gusta la pintura, ya que está en un grupo propio, igual que yo.

Rugeiatu Bah

Yo tomar Simon porque la gente piensa en él como un animal, y una mala persona. A las cosas que él dijo, y él no poco su lengua para nadie. También, la lengua y en los rostros de los animales y las personas en la imagen se describe la apariencia de las personas en él.

Guernica desde el punto de vista de Martin Luther King. Jr

Si Martin Luther King Jr. viste a la pintura de Guernica, pensaría mucho sobre unos de los simbulos. El pensaría bombilla representa las palabras de Dios, y que el quiere para nosotros. La bebe muerto representa los jóvenes que son perdido. La bandera representa EEUU y el sueño Americano. El mano con la espada representaría la guerra con maldad. La puerta representaría nuestros conexión con Dios.  

Guernica Desde El Punto De Vista de Pierce Morgan


Esta obra de arte tiene un mensaje para el público. Representa las cosas malas de la guerra. El toro simboliza el país de España y la fuerza de este país. La vela representa la esperanza después de la guerra y un futuro más positivo. Este es alguna noticia para el público y el país de España. La madre con su bebe muerte representa la muerte durante la guerra civil. Además, simboliza el sufrimiento y el dolor de la gente. La bombilla representa las bombas durante la guerra. Los dos palabras están muy similar. Finamente, este representa el pasado y el fin de la guerra.

Guernica desde el punto de vista de Dr.Seuss

El Toro- El toro representa la cultura de España y la agricultura. 
La luces - La luces representa el conocimiento de Pablo Picasso de el bombardeo de Guernica.
La falda- Simbolizar los Estados Unidos 
La madre- El desaparecido de el esperanza. 
El pájaro - No hay más libertad.

Guernica desde el punto de vista de Martin Luther King. Jr

​Si Martin Luther King Jr. viste a la pintura de Guernica, pensaría mucho sobre unos de los simbulos. 

El pensaría bombilla representa las palabras de Dios, y que el quiere para nosotros. 

La bebe muerto representa los jóvenes que son perdido. 

La bandera representa EEUU y el sueño Americano.

El mano con la espada representaría la guerra con maldad. 

La puerta representaría nuestros conexión con Dios.  

Guernica Desde el punto de Vista de Gandhi

El torro  represente la gobinero antipatico porque la gobinero crean miedo y peligro. Es flur y bombilla representa  esperanza porque siempre hay esperanza. El fuego se reprsenta la lunca en la mundo porque el fuego puede destruyir  todos cosa, se no las paramos. La luz represente el  prueba porque la luz toce  todos los gentes.

Guernica desde el punto de Obama

Para mi, el fuego represente la intensidad de la guerra. La luz y la ventena significa esperanza. Los ojos de los gentes miran la guerra/ la media en la guerra. El cabello, el toro son los animales sufrir en la guerra. Los soldados eran derrotado porque de la guerra. La flor represente las muertes, RIP. Las bocas abierto muestran el miedo de los gentes. La puerta y la ventana significa como la gente en la guerra estaban atrapados. Todo en todas partes represente caos de la guerra. 

Guernica desde el punto de vista de Barack Obama.

Este retrato representa mucho para muchos otros, pero para mí representa a la guerra entre dos diferentes grupos. Representa la tragedia de la guerra. La muerte de muchos y los dias oscuro, pero este retrato también tiene algunas cosas que representan la esperanza. Un día mejor, un nuevo mañana como la flor. Esto representa la mejor mañana. Que incluso en las guerras personas tengan la esperanza de que un día las cosas van a cambiar.

Guernica desde el punto de vista de Chris Brown

​Chris Brown ve esta pintura a través de los símbolos. Las mujeres heridas simbolizar que las mujeres "no tienen el poder en un mundo de hombres". La luz se vuelve Chris que su futuro es brillante. El toro simboliza su guerra contra Drake. La vela se demuestra que su relación con Rhianna durará todo el tiempo que está iluminado. Por último, el fantasma representa los Illuminati.

Guernica Desde el punto de vista de Madre Teresa

El toro : es una grande animal, esta muy feo. por que se ve asi ?

El bebe y la mama : que lo paso el bebe ?! me siento mal por la mama y el bebe, muy triste, que dios los vendiga

La senora que se quiere ir : por que se va tan loca? se ve que se quiere ir !

La fantasma : se ve tan feo, y muy espantosa.

El senor en el piso : que lo paso ? espero que este bien. que dios este con el  

Guernica desde el punto de vista Spongebob


El caballo es mi mascota Mystery. Pero, no es verde. Es blanco. ¿Por que no tiene color? Picasso tiene mucho imaginación porque estas personas son muy extraño. Por ejemplo la persona de la derecha no tiene piernas.

Es un fiesta en allí porque tiene personas y animales y un fantasma en uno cuarto. El bebe de izquierda es durmiendo. ¿Por qué?

Una persona es en el piso pero no es durmiendo. ¿Qué pasa?

Guernica desde el punto de vista de Jay Z

Yo soy un rapero muy conocido alrededor del mundo. Este cuadro simboliza un montón de cosas en mi vida. Hay una mujer en esta pintura y cuando lo veo, me recuerda a mi esposa Beyonce. Ella es mi mundo. Y en la parte inferior de la pintura, hay una flor. Simboliza el nacimiento de mi hijo. Un nuevo capítulo en mi vida que me trae alegría y felicidad. Mi trabajo es entretener a la gente de todo el mundo y cuando veo la luz en esta foto, me recuerda a los focos que tengo cuando estoy realizando. Las muchas caras en este cuadro simboliza a mis aficionados. Encanta cuando gritan mi nombre. 

Guernica desde el Punto de Vista de Albert Einstein

Este pintura es muy interesante. Es mucho en este que hace mi a pienso sobre cosas. 

La bombilla proximo a la vela, a mi, significado como la viejos y los jovenes trabajar con uno y otro a dar esperanza a otros. 

La Fantasma representaba las almas de los gentes quien son muerte y triste porque de la guerra. 

La flor oculto en el detrás de la mano con la espada significado resistencia mediante dolor y muerte. 

Guernica desde el punto de vista ve Leonardo Da Vinci

Este obra tiene ideas se conflictos. Tiene peligro y muerte con vida nueva y esperanza. En el bajo es una cuerpa en piezas con un guchillo en un mano. Es un simbulo del fin de un tiempo muy triste, peligro, y difícil para la gente.  En la alta es una fantasma con un vela que representa los espiritos de la muerte que tiene esperanza por el futuro. En los brazos de una mamá es un bebe muerte que representa la muerta de la gente inocente. 

Macbeth Creative Project

Macbeth Brains

The project above is the creative portion to my Macbeth Analysis quarter 3 benchmark. It shows how much influence Macbeth, The Witches, and Lady Macbeth have over Macbeth’s mind act by act through brain pie charts. It also includes a quote underneath relating to the chart and a little blurb explaining why the chart looks like it does. The first thing I did when creating this project was making the charts. Afterwards I put the key on the page and added the charts. Then I added the quotes and the blurbs. The most difficult part about this project was making the charts and organizing them the way I wanted on the page. I am really proud of the organization of the project and how the brains look. I am not organized nor neat so to come up with such a clean looking, organized project was exciting for me. Often, my projects are not so aesthetically appealing. I would put one brain on each page and make a slideshow out of them rather than just one poster. I would have more room to add everything I wanted. I learned other underlying themes and emotions of some of the characters. I also learned about some “modern day Macbeths”. I learned that if I give myself enough time, I can come up with an organized appealing project.

English 9, Dunn, Macbeth

This project is an extension of an analytical paper about the play Macbeth. By choosing a character a poem was written about Lady Macbeth, Macbeth's wife. It explains the changes Lady Macbeth went through throughout the play. The poem is based on a thesis from the essay. The thesis is Lady Macbeth, the most hyper-sexual and controlling woman grew weaker as the days passed after she came to the realization of what she had done to Duncan. 

The process for writing the poem was simple. I gathered words to describe Lady Macbeth  and her actions, while quoting her at the same time. To get a good sense of a free verse poem, sample poems were researched. Researching free verse poems helped me get a sense of how the poem should look and the rhythm of it.

There were a couple difficulties I encountered while trying to complete this project. One being, I had to use the correct word, as little as possible, and incorporate the quotes into the poem. Even though the poem is free verse, trying to use/find different words to describe what was happening in the play was difficult. 

I am most proud of how the poem turned out. I began to believe the poem wasn’t going to come out well. The turnout of the project was good. Over coming the difficulties of writing this poem was exciting. I’m proud that I got the project finished in a short amount of time and I went through with writing a poem instead of doing something else. I enjoyed writing the poem. 

While watching my other classmates present or glancing at their project I learned a lot. I learn how to interpret the play in many different ways. These different was wouldn’t have been done if it were my project. A lot of thought and time was put towards these projects.  All of the effort put into the project showed through the final product. It was really cool to see everyone else’s ideas and learn in many different ways by many different projects. 

During this project I learned that I could write a poem really well, in a short amount of time. Writing a poem in a short amount of time about a play is hard. Especially if you don’t write poems a lot. Writing this poem made me realize that i’m pretty good at writing poems. I should write them more often. 

Here I’m positioned, 

Alone with nothing in hand in utter silence,

And the only thing that

keeps me company are the

Vivid barriers that change positions every time 

the silence is broken. 

Who am I?

I don’t know what happened to me,

Becoming a man was my goal,

Not having emotions and dealing with regret

Who was I?

Things that broke silence 

Make me cringe

Silence soothed my mind 

Going over my thoughts but then memories

Horrible memories would come 

Into play one by one

Who am I?

Memories when I stated

things such as

“Under my battlements. Come, you spirits

That tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here,

And fill me from the crown to the toe top-full

Of direst cruelty.”

Who was I?

Praying to the spirits seemed to 

Be only right. 

They could grant my wishes,

And change my features

Who am I?

I criticized people,

Just so they could prove me wrong

What did that get me ?

My heart is pounding 

People can hear it

Is it that loud? What’s happened

Who am I?

“My hands are of your color, but I shame , To wear a heart so white.”

I used to be the boss and control things

That was my position. 

The queen that wore the pants of me and

my husbands relationship 

Who was I?

Completing deeds, struggling

Not emotionless, not regret less

Greed is gone, “Naught’s had, all’s spent,

Where our desire is got without content

‘Tis safer to be that which we destroy

Than by destruction dwell in doubtful joy.”

Who am I?

In this state of depression,

Not talking to anyone,

Seeing things no one else can see,

Not being able to erase the evidence from 

my body parts 

“Here’s the smell of the blood still. 

All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. 

Oh, Oh, Oh!"

Who was I?

People are beginning to feel sorry for me,

Saying “I would not have such a heart,

In my boom for the dignity of the whole body”

Who am I?

My heart is pounding faster and faster,

Voices, I hear voices,

They surround this room

Louder and louder they get

I CAN’T take it!

DEATH, death is the only way

I take my knife and plunge it in my stomach

Four times, that’s all it took 

The voices are gone, but i’m not free of regret

What have I done? 

Jiwon Choi: Macbeth- Creative Piece

   I made a piano collection of various piano pieces for the creative extension of the Macbeth quote analysis. I used little parts of the five pieces that I thought best describes Macbeth in each act. I mostly used minor songs to describe Macbeth because I wanted people to pity him and remember why he became hungry for power and became a killing machine. Therefore, I used more sad songs than loud, dark songs. This video below shows the change in Macbeth's character journey and the downfall of his life. To begin with, Macbeth was a decent man, but his hunger for power and dominance led him to become a killing machine. 

   My process of crafting the creative portion of this project was fun but somewhat difficult. First, I had to choose five piano pieces that I wanted to play to describe Macbeth. When I chose five of them, I had to choose the parts I think would connect naturally to the next piece I was going to play. Then, I had to learn the parts and film the whole thing. It took me hours to do this process.

   Difficulties that I encountered while doing this project was there were visitors in the house when I was filming the video. My solution was just to wait until it was somewhat quiet and start playing again. I had to cut out a lot of scenes in the film because of all the talking. It took me about 20 minutes just to this filmed. Another problem that i encountered was that my iMovie kept closing. That resulted in me filming over and over until one film was saved.

  I am proud about how I overcame the difficulties and got to film the video. I am also proud that I learned the pieces well in a short amount of time. 

   If I had a chance to change my creative portion, I would try harder to compose a piano piece on my own rather than using piano pieces that has been composed by other pianists. 

   From doing this project, I learned a lot from my colleagues and myself. From my colleagues, I learned what talents and skills they have. I also learned other creative ideas that I could’ve done. From myself, I learned that I don’t approve myself if something is not how I want it to be. I also learned that I like my final products to be something I will be proud of. 

Click here for the link to my video. 

Macbeth creative portion-August Polite



This diagram/poster displays the similarities between the stories of AMC's Breaking Bad and Shakespeare's Macbeth. Although the two stories are not directly related in many aspects, general themes are transferable between them. I flushed out the majority of these within the chart by illustrating them in a simplified form. I tried to incorporate my quotes into the illustrations by having each of the relations correlate to one or more of the quotes I chose. 


a. My project was about relating the themes that Shakespeare created in Macbeth and seeing how they relate to media in modern times. The ideas and story telling devices in Macbeth are still very viable options for writers to use today. 

b. I tried to make an easy-to-understand chart that displayed the similarities and story sections/themes.

c. At first it was difficult to draw all of the characters in a consistent style, but after a few drafts I got the hang of it and started on the final. I am not that good with photoshop, but this was a good learning experience for future projects. 

d. I am most proud about the style I used to draw all of the characters. I think they turned out really well. I used the Macbeth charter designs from the Patrick Stuart version, and those characters worked very well along side the Breaking Bad characters.

e. I would find a way to incorpate the quotes better into the actual art; I think that flaw might be the downfall of my project.

f. I learned about making a good vocal presentation to the audience.

g.I learned that when you are really invested in part of the project and you put your best work into it, it becomes less of a chore. I really wanted this project to reflect some of my skills, and not to be sloppy. 

macbeth quotes