Daniel Wirt- Where i am from

I’m from soccer to baseball
From sunshine to rainfall
I’m from a boring city
Stuck in the USA

I’m from weekends by the beach
I’m from the sting of the jelly fish  
I’m from the scent of the sea water

I’m from a one man house
From  dogs, to fish, to cats
I’m from editing videos to video games
From getting straight A’s

I’m from bike rides that last 30 miles
I’m from runs that last 13
I’m from a full active life

I’m from listening to songs about “bitches”
From listening to the soothing sound of the violin
I’m from a country with a lack of knowledge
From a country that knows everything

Where I'm From

I’m from Row Homes
where you can hear the arguments next door.
From clothes on the bed, pillows on the floor, a hinge with no door.
“When your room is clean for a month you’ll get it back!”
I’m from T-bones, So-suns, Ray-Rays
You name it, we have it!
I’m from game nights every other Sunday
Your family against mine.
From Christmas at my house and Thanksgiving at yours
But lets leave so we don’t have to help clean up.
I’m from “Lil Mama this and Lil Mama that.”
from Church and your best outfit on Sundays
I’m from Macaroni and cheese, cornbread, and chicken.
From Barney at night and Teletubies in the morning.
I am from a loving family. One I will never give up.

Where I'm From (A Slam Poem)

[Freedom Time_Snippet]

Stand up 

And recite the dysfunctional religion created by 

People referred to as Master 

Plastered words into our minds to believe 

That our existence on this earth was a mistake, a sin 

Barefoot our ancestors walked for miles and miles 

With back scars screaming for a voice to save the child 

The same child birthed by a raped negro mother 

That negro child gave birth to a child and that child 

Without a father -

Wonder why teenage fathers of today run away from their responsibilities 

These slave masters were pimps before black folk even thought of the name

I often shun my head away from the black community in shame 

Obama cannot  redeem us as Harriet Tubman freed us 

They inflicted words into our throats to make us believe we need Jesus 

Looking above the sky to the north star, wade in the water 

The same waters that trouble us to this day because we sink in our ignorance 

Frolicked pieces of paper represented our freedom 

One signature by one Master and we thought our shackles were lifted 

Not as in smoking, but as in without the slightest clue that we will never be -


[A Natural Blessing]

Someone explain the N-word 

Not Nigga but Nappy 

Afro-picks to the kinks make the curls so happy 

Natural is beautiful, even if you refuse to represent it 

Admit it, no relaxer can change the pigment around your laughter 

Skin color is irrelevant 

But unruly heads make society so tender, 

It's a hec-a-hard to separate the ignorant, 

Oops, I meant the "ignant" to the melanin 

Fists of pride we were discovered in 

Still had origin when stripped of rights by the government 

Motivational speakers, activists, we were all of them 

Even with the two strand twists, locks, braids, cornrows, afros, blow-outs & hot-combs 

Hair will never define our capabilities 

So don't limit me to stereotypes because of my originality 

Personality is more than a clenched fist and a microphone, 

And if you don't like it, then you can close your eyes or go home 

Cause I'm gonna wear my afro, you ain't gotta ask bro 

I was born Proud and Pride was a given 

I won't give in to a limited standard 

Straight hair won't tame me, 

A nappy head won't change me 

Accepted or Rejected, 

I am a Natural Blessing 

[Art of Noise]

I'm from a place so authentic that it would be too disrespectful to describe with my intelligence 

So listen with your eyes and see with your ears the feel of what my truth might reveal: 

All of my Grandmother's children have soul from our 8-counts to the bend in our toes 

Arches on our feet so we don't stomp on the spirits setting us free 

Torchetaes and pottybooraes 

We knew these words before we could spell them, let alone pronounce them 

Our rhythm rampaged through our hearts 

There was no such thing as a break 

Next was the buffalo shuffle, another 8-count 

While we could still feel the vibrations from our tap shoes in our sleep 

Every Saturday was a ritual for repentance 

The minute your heels touch the floor of the studio, 

Your sins forgotten, forgiven 

For now is the world that you live in 

For the next 34 saturdays of the year,  


Nothing else matters. 


I'm from a place where I'm not accepted for who I am. In some way, shape or form, I am always picked apart for my skin color, originality or my body type. So where I'm really from is a phrase. 

"It ain't where you from, it's where you at…"

Where I'm From - Jessica Hinton

I am from a popular city.

Warm Summers, a rainy Spring, and a snowy Winter.

I am from Monument road, where the leaves and flowers

scatter the yard.

I am from "dust this, clean that, do this, do that"

I'm from New Year's Day brunch

with people filling the house.

I'm from hands on waist

Arms Crossed, stern look disciplinarians.

Church going, "Amen"

and prayer reciting Christians.

From the strong veterans

serving our country

and protecting the family.

I am from great cooks and amazing bakers

sending beautiful scents around the house. 

From the Davenports from Virginia

with a poultry farm

and many acres of land.

I am from loving friends 

who are there to talk and laugh whenever we need it. 

I am from singers, dancers, and musicians

performing their talents for many to see.

I am from family that sticks together through the 

ups and downs. 

I am from a strong, powerful, and diverse lineage.

Where I'm From

i am from reggaeton music dale papi,
with the depths of the roots,
old and new
school, books, ipods
what makes me move is what i am

bellydancing, Shakira mah inspiration!
Argentina, spanish, abuela i’m from
philly to the depths and lights

hurts and pain
from my cousin
lives day by day in our hearts

i’m from empandas
whose insides are delicious
of variant fillings

By: Michelle Torelli

Where I'm From

I’m from waking up at 5:50 wondering “Where the time go?”

From 40+ growing exponentially it seems

Family I mean 

From people I seem to contrast drastically 

Where I’m may not say much,

To my aunt’s got a whole novel, and then some 

I’m from my grandparents who lived nearly a century 

Who seem to have left behind ever more than they thought they would

I’m arguing about who would kill who: “Batman or Goku?” 

Not realizing, better yet, not caring we’ve got work to do. 

I’m from walking in back, because apparently I walk too slow. 

“And we’re in the back AGAIN.” Stephen says. 

Making jokes at the people in front, 

They know we’re talking about them, but that’s the fun right? 

I’m from never getting any work, when my friends are around

I’m from a point in which I thought I couldn’t escape 

Told I was too quiet, or stupid 

Second I open my mouth: “Wow he’s really smart!” 

Really? I didn’t know. 

Sorry I wasn’t born with the size of a dart 

I’m from straight D’s to straight A’s

Haha, I lie, there may be few B’s in there 

I’m from seeing my friends all set on their careers and life choices 

But all I want is to experience everything

Visit everywhere, do everything

Well, not everything but you know what I mean

I’m from me, where are you from? 

Where I'm from

I’m from the birth of People

I’m from the home land.

I’m from dirty fields.

I’m from blood sweat and tears.

I’m from a home filled of amazing smells

And, dirty socks.

I’m from a loving family.

Who I want to kill

But, always in goodwill

They only want me to fulfull

Everything that I’m capable in.


My bed, my lovely bed

With Red sheets

So loving, so amazing

When I come home tired it’s blazing with delight

I just want to cuddle with it forever.



I’m the most delicious food you’ll ever eat.

It’s amazing and I can only find it in my amazing house

Her spouse is an amazing guy.

He’s my dad, and I love him

But, he can be an ass.

I’m Mohamed, and I love my House!

Where Im From

I am from a religious mom
A playful dad and
Loud, Annoying siblings running around
Where everything is everywhere
Where nothing can be found
I’m from a family
where food is everything
Mixed-Tradional foods, should I say
Indian and Tibetan
- A Mixed Cultural family
I’m from inner city, where
No one knows their neighbors!
I’m from different country
with a complete different background
From the rest of the kids in here
where everybody knew each other
I’m from a veteran dad
who cares about health
if I were a little out of shape,
he’ll say “Bhumo la, you need to cut down on that food”
Or “You better start working out again”
I’m from a spiritual mom
who always quotes “God”
who always loved me more than anything.
I’m from a small blue room
with a small television
always on disney channel
I’m from a school
filled with talented students
I’m from making my head
bigger and bigger, day by day.
I’m from an english class
with us writing a poem
called “I am from..”

Msanders poem

I am from a stereotype.
where I’m suppose to do this.
I am basketball court
to make every shot
even though I can’t.
I am from the joint
that my neighbor smokes everyday
I am from the joint
that my other neighbor smokes everday
I am from the lone kid
who watches his neighbors
smoke and drink.

But even though I live hear.
I would change nothing about it.

I am from neighborhood
who watches for me.
I am from a buddies
who would fight for me.
I am from a loving family.
who cares and loves for me

I am from a tradition
of neighborhood sport parties.
I am from a tradition
of neighborhood fried chicken.
I am from a tradition
of neighborhood love.
I am from a tradition
of family Christmas.
I am from a tradition
of family Easters.
I am from a tradition
of family Thanksgiving dinners.

I am from the bads.
I am from the goods.
I am from a family
Full of neighbors.
I am from a neighborhood
Full of familes

Where I'm From by Morgan Marant

I’m from out of service SEPTA lines
and traffic jams on the expressway
I’m from the hustle and bustle of a city
From West Philadelphia born and raised
Said a famous actor
But that’s my story
I’m from the hood fireworks before independence day
From little girls double dutch on cracked concrete
From manhunt games going into wee hours of the morning
From a type A mother
And a hang-loose father
From two complete opposite sides of the spectrum
Im from snapping peas women
And washing collard greens in the bath tub
I’m from church on Sunday
Bible study Wednesday with a youth group who is nothing but callow
From retreats to hiking, biking and fishing
I’m from a city where nature & a city is no more then a mile away
I’m from a town who bands together in the face of injustice
I’m from a family who does nothing but support me
I’m from a school where being quirky and outlandish is the norm
From a world where technology is on the rise
From a mind where intelelect is the only answer
From a street where crime is only a stereotype and not a fact
From a father who protects me
I am from blessings and miracles  

Where I'm From, By Sasha Sapp

Where I’m From: By Sasha Sapp


A once quaint streak of depressingly similar 18ft wide, boxy, West Philly row homes-

now infested with the bellows of


Is where I’m from.

Where voicing verbal lashes of insults with your very best friends are the norm.

And if the insult wasn’t “good enough” then

“That shit was ass”

is the retort for your failed attempt of humor.

Yep, I’m from

Teeth chattering and hand numbing winter nights of 20 and below

On a cold and unwelcoming cemented porch

Where adolescents bundle air tight with each other’s limbs and torsos

like horror-struck kindergarteners

clinging dearly to their mothers with a suffocating iron grip on the first day of school.

Where being together in the cold of the night was more important then being warm, cozy and sane


I’m from

“Yo, what’s ya name?” and “Damn, who’re you?”.

Where apparently silence isn’t taken as “I’m clearly NOT interested”.

I’m from summers of sweating puddles, shopping obsessively, and

Singing badly.

I’m from persistent car alarms screeching ear-popping pitches,

all because our football decided to take air in its own route.

Where shades of mocha, caramel, and vanilla

strut underneath towering tracks of the EL,

pushing aside outward differences for a mere moment-

is where I’m from.

Yeah, I’m from

Horrendous animal nicknames, tedious trips to the “Papi’s”, and

hyena-like fits of laughter with my very best friends.


I believe I’m from those days

with my very best friends.



I'm From Poem

I am from garden gnomes
Guarding blooming roses and juicy berries
I’m from withered brick pathways
Behind rotting wooden gates with squeaky hinges
I’m from annual block parties
an aroma of pasta salad and country time lemonade
I’m from peach pies and banana bread
made on the whim of a man raised
to make things without the recipe
I’m from TV dinners in Central Perk
and night caps of 100% V
I’m from home made noodles           
Mirroring my ancestor’s ancient history
that’s new to me
I’m from day dreaming nights
falling stars and purple aliens
just waiting to make friends
I’m from early Sunday mornings
Episcopal church and Quaker meetinghouse
Starting in a sounding chorus
And ending in silent prayer.

"Where I am from" Poem

“Where I am from” Poem 


I am from the core of sport centers

    Roars that follow louder then cars

Homes lined up to its twin sharing

the occasional tree that separates the outlook.


I am from the smell of detailed foods.

 As the smells travel throughout the house

Satisfying as it reaches your tongue.


 I am from the couch where my grandfather would sit

  and not one baseball game was missed.

I am from the cold winters and the hot summers

  One night colder or warmer then another.


I am from the wildly celebrated holidays

 That lasted from days on end.

The ones that brought our family closer

And together for remembrance.


I am from the do good

And good things will come to you.

I am from the educated

 And learn new things everyday.

I'm From A Castle of Expectation

I’m From


I’m from A physical family of six

Mixed together in a spiritual family of billions

Because we believe that

We are all one family in God

I’m from “read your bible every night” and

Make sure everyday you are a light and

Strive to

Brighten someone else’s life

I’m from

“You can do anything you put your mind to

So put your mind to higher things”

I’m from many midnights dressed in pizza and wings

Hot sauce that stings the corners of your eyes

Previously used to cry

From Being told that I will amount to nothing if I continue to do nothing

I’m from

“Oh it’s okay sweetie a C is better than a F”


“Don’t lie to her. Anything lower than a B is a F to me”

I’m from the womb of a strongly emotional woman

And the seed of a man who can tell you webster’s definition of love


Not describe it for himself

Because “Emotions are a weakness and hindrance and you can not benefit from

Making decisions out of them ”

I’m from

“Ladies sit like this” and I

Constantly remind

my origin that I’m not a lady I’m a female

I’m from the tale

Of a Romeo and Juliet gone wrong

And yet hold strong to the hope that

Mine will go right

If I pray and live right

And wait for my knight to arrive

I’m an from a castle of expectations that

I can never seem to climb to the highest tower of


Where I'm From

I am from individuality,
from “be who you want to be”
and crafts that are always home-made

I am from the non-judgmental,
yet critical, the accepting once well-known
from different standpoints that come together
in a cluttered home of knick-knacks

I am from Kinkade prints and dolls
fake flowers and a crowded curio cabinet
from decorations for memories

I am from apple dumplings
and warm vanilla pudding
from goods made from scratch
kept within the family, a box of recipes

I am from readers, writers and artists
graffiti, poetry and free-style
from horror, mysteries and thrillers
yellowed pages of passed down material

Where I'm From by Jenn Wright

I'm from a small town

not in the typical sense but

a town within a large city 

a small place where you may know my name

  or my face

but it ends there

I'm from a medium sized house with a medium sized family in it

from Kevin, the other one of two children

two point five children and a white picket fence?

not so much, 

a gray wire fence though does the same job

       holds in the large dreams

       protecting them from harm

       as we sit together around the kitchen table discussing days on end 

I'm from a garden, 

tomatoes, peppers and more

planted and cultivated by Dad and now myself

but also of large dreams

where some lie dead in the face of financial distress

others, in lack of progress 

from dreams blooming like sunflowers 

large dreams speak to the hours and hours I spend 

pouring over books, fact and figures 

attempting to use the ingredients and execute the recipe

began by Mom

I'm from baking bread 

the doughy smell enveloping the house

the lock to the fence

the security blanket 

   keeping us from getting hurt 

   from being a convert, to the broken world

I'm from protection

  from family


"You're extremely lucky, 

so many would wish 

  for just this" 

Ruben Burenstein I am From poem

I am from Nature
From dirt and crawling creatures.
I am from the fields that I have played in.
I am from the box elder tree
The monkey caller
Whole sound would end our playtime every day
Making me sigh and walk back inside, even though I was looking fore ward to the next activity.

I am from Family

From place to place
No matter how far
I am from playing sports,
from friendly family competition in which we all try our hardest to impress the ones we are closest to

I am from Gaming

From an anger so uncalled for it amazes even me
From amazingly fun times
I am from breaking things out of anger
I am from screaming my head off
Whether it be out of rage
Or out of amazement of the miracle that just happened, but holds no significant meaning in the world.

Where I'm From

I am from those days that I now refer to as back in the day,
waking up to the smell of cinnamon buns and homemade iced tea.
I am from experience,
my parents guided me in the right direction.
I am from choices,
learning from failure has always been my case.
From football to chess,
I was always good, but always wanted to be better.
Being second best never bothered me though.
I am from prodigy
expectations did always come before failure after all,
I am from diversity,
growing up I learned to accept all types of people
I am from opinionated beliefs that always landed me in a hell of a lot of trouble.
From challenging authority to never accepting ranks, it never ended well in my favor.
But most of all,
I am from the belief that I have purpose,
I refuse to accept that the gift given to me is just for me to throw away.
I am from a time where I am forced to watch my friends and family,
succumb to the pain and weight of life.
I am from a time where numbness is just second to nothingness.
I am from the past,
Here to pave the way for the future.

Where I'm From

I am from long hard days,
from education and studies.

I am from the gentle breeze flowing
through the city like water.

I'm from the close knit family
with smells of baked apples
and hints of cinnamon.
I’m from the holidays
filled with laughter
and chatter of recent successes.

I'm from God Bless You
and songs of the saviour
whose notes I can say myself

I am from long nights of gaming
pushing on through the stars
as if the sun would never rise

I'm from the land of memories,
Mickey Mouse and Pluto.

I am from long melodies
of times long forgotten
and strumming of guitars
of the musical legends.

I am from those moments--
forever alive in memory--
'til the end of time

Where I'm From

I am from "Next time on Dragonball Z,"
from top ramen and hot dogs.
I am from training wheels until I was 9,
from melancholy Seattle weather.
I am from waking up at six only to go back to sleep at seven.
I am from reading Marcel Proust,
from practicing penmanship.
I am from "LET THEM EAT CAKE",
from venica por favor.
I am from treat others as you want to be treated, and what goes in must come out.
I am from tuna casserole,
from tandoori salmon.
I am from putting pearls in my little sisters ear.
I am from reading, playing , and loving life.
I am from the science of mind to who cares about religion.
I am from Goku can beat Batman
from are you from Great Britain.
I am from winning my first gym badge,
from losing to the elite four.
I am from space jam, who framed roger rabbit,
from catdog and keenan and kel.
I am from Gandhi Speaks, and Jesus walks,
I am from “Winston Why Do You Always Talk?”

Where I'm From

I am from The Office
- just kidding, but where they filmed the show.
In Scranton, where the landscape is green, luscious, and nice.
I am from all around,
Pennsylvania to North Carolina,
I am from different states and towns.
I am from families all around the East coast,
we don’t really have unique foods we like,
we can settle with spaghetti and toast.
I am from a plain, simple family,
we go through some bumps long the road,
from the lessons that not everything is about money.
I am like a nomad,
moving all around this city,
look at all these homes - do you like my pad?
I am from worry-free folks,
everything is fine as long as you’re still alive,
life’s too short to sit around and mope.
I am from a young family,
so their experiences make them overprotective
and never want to leave me be.
There’s not much else to share,
if there’s any questions just ask,
I don’t want to bore you with information if you don’t care.

SLA to Dismiss at 3:30 on Sept. 8th

Science Leadership Academy will have a shortened advisory and dismiss at 3:30 pm today so that students can get an earlier start on SEPTA. The only students who will be allowed in the building after 3:30 will be those who are waiting for parents to pick them up. We are urging all students to go straight home today given the traffic issues affecting the city.