Proyecto de Conversación: Surroundings And So On...

Annisa Ahmed
Español lll, D Band
Conversation Project: Week Three

Antes de Conversación:
What will your topic of conversation be?
    This time, the plan is to find out more about other locations. And again, with the introductions.
What are you looking forward to about this conversation?
    I am looking forward to seeing how things will be portrayed from someone's first hand accounts of living in a nation for so long. It will be an opportunity to understand beyond America, or so I hope.
What are your nervous about?

    What I am looking forward to learning might be a bit hard to accomplish if I am not sure of how exactly to respond to people's encounters of things I have never seen.

Después de Conversación:
Who did you speak with and why did you choose them?
     I logged on and left the window for some time. After returning, I was granted with the present surprise of Luis's invitation. And history went on.
What did you learn about them?
    He is sixteen, lives in Mexico, tries his best to speak Spanish, has visited many huge cities in America and believes the best thing about his surroundings is the scenery.
How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your goal?
    Though, he could not really explain something that I never experienced, I was pleased with the insight that offered in its place.
What did you do well according to your goals?
    Somewhat, the questions that were asked were planed but again, the answers were not ones that I expected to receive. But, his thoughts made sense so, I have no real complaints.
What specifically do you need to improve on?
    I awkwardly went on about something that confused him, to which he clarified. I was slightly distressed by this and I hope that I will not be caught in such a cluster again.
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    This week my primary focus was on architecture. My original question was on terminology used for architecture, but that had to be edited to better fit the requirements of the project. For this week, my focus is no one general things involving spanish architecture. By asking general questions about architecture, I felt that I would be able to earn more than I otherwise would have, if I chose to just learn about general architecture terms. For this week, I have prepared five questions that I'll use to answer my bigger question.
    ¿qué son la cuidad estructura en tú cuidad?
    ¿Cómo es la casas en tú cuidad como?
    ¿Veritana estructura?
    ¿Tradicional edificio estructura?
    ¿Interior de casa?

For this week my partner was Miguel, someone who I met through Livemocha. Me and my partner chose to do our communications via e-mail, as we saw it was the most convent way for both of us. My partner told me to censor out his e-mail when I told him I would be uploading the screenshots of our conversation. To respect him, and have him as someone for possible conversation with, I have upheld his request.
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Espanol Blog tres(3)

  • Who you spoke with and why you chose that partner

    - I spoke with Manuel. He was fluent at spanish, he was the one who decided to chat with me and he was willing to help me. 
  • What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?

    - I learned a lot about him because he was describing how he looked like and such. I learned that he likes to hang out with his friends, watch movies etc. I may have included it in the audio. For the audio, I didn't include the whole thing because originally, it was about 45 minutes and I had to cut it down to 5 minutes. 
  • How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goals?

    - To be a little more comfortable with speaking because when he spoke, he was really quickly with it and I don't get what he's talking about so I ask ¿Como? like million times. 
  • What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations? What specifically to you need to improve on? (Quote specific things you said or did and what you would have done or said if you could do it again)

    - My last week's goal was to have an actual conversation like audio wise instead of IMs because I wanted to improve my pronunciation as well. 

  • Click here for the audio. 

    Proyecto de Conversación - Pt 3

    Who did I speak to and why did I choose that person? 

    I spoke to Seba F. on Skype after I met him on SharedTalk. I chose to speak to him because he was eager to learn and was very curious. So instead of me asking a bajillion questions, he asked and I answered. 

    What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them? 

    I didn't learn much about him. He was a curious person who was planning on moving to the States and it seemed like a really big change because he barely knew the language. 

    How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goal? 

    It helped me achieve my goal because I didn't feel like an interviewer. I was actually having a legitimate conversation with someone who was just as curious as I was. 

    What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations? 

    I did well with conjugating my words better and explaining things to Seba. 

    What specifically do you need to improve on? (Quote specific things you said or did and what you would have done or said if you could do it again) 

    We were kind of speaking Spanglish. He spoke broken English and I spoke broken Spanish. But we understood each other. He'd ask a question in English and I'd respond in Spanish then we'd switch. 

    I've only attached part of the conversation because it was lengthy. 

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    Blog Post 3: Matrimonio

    Last week was about understanding dating in Spanish speaking countries and now it is all about marriage. This week I talked to a 35 year old teacher from Colombia who was very willing to talk to me about marriage. To help understand my conversation, there are a list of vocabulary below. 


    Casamiento/Matrimonio - marriage 

    Pareja- partner/ pair 

    Vigencia- validity 

    Cédula-  identity card 

    Juzgado- court 

    Reclamar- to claim

    llenar- to fill out 

    Coincidir- to coincide 

    Catolicos- Catholic 

    Pedir- to ask 

    Vendidas- sold 

    Tribu- tribe

    Entregado- Selfless 

    Marido- husband 


    If the conversation was to difficult to understand I can give a quick summary. 

    • Marriage in Columbia is just like marriage in the United States  
    •  Some people never get married, but do live together or civil unions
    • They have reception type dinners where the whole family come together  
    • They have to get everything approved by the courts 
    •  In some indigenous tribes they have a form of arranged marriage; they sell the women. 

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    Listening Politely

    ​This week I wanted to know more about how conversations work but I didn't want to go and ask another straight up question about the actual conversation, I wanted to ask about the people in the actual conversation.  This week I wanted to ask about how to listen politely.

    This week I was able to go and talk to my old spanish teacher, Maestra Sandra, again since we both had an opening during this past week.


    - ¿Cuales son algunos formas de escuchar cortésmente?

    - ¿Hay algunos cosas que no son cortés cuando alguien le esta hablando?

    - ¿Es difícil a escuchar cortésmente o es facil escuchar cortesmente?

    I learned a few different things during this interview, one would be that it really doesn't seem to be that hard to listen politely unless you're in some kind of cramped space that doesn't allow you to move around.  Also I learned that it takes your whole body to fully engage the other person, nodding your head, responding, looking at the person, and quite obviously listening to them.

    You can find examples of how to listen politely at the beginning of this page.
    Interview #2

    Conversation Proyecto_post tres

    During this chat, I talked with Ezequiel Guerreo from Spain. He did not know english very well but he was still willing to help me with my spanish, and correct me while we spoke with one another. 
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    • Is your research question clear from the beginning?
      Not really, we kind of have to flow through some casualties first then ask the question. 
    • Did you post the questions you came up with before having the conversation?  Did you predict how your partner would answer those questions?
      Well, we were talking about what we're doing and we both said that we just ate dinner. Then the question just came up and then it went on and on. 
    • Did you research your topic before you had the conversation?
      Not really, because I think it's better to ask the people themselves than research it myself. 
    • Did you post the transcript/video/audio of your conversation?
      Yes, I do. 
    • Did you post a paragraph that answers the reflection questions I ask of you in the project description?
      Yes, I did. 
    • Did you make it look pretty?  Are there hyperlinks to interesting sources you found while researching your topic?  Do you include images and/or video of your topic?
      It's not like eye catching pretty but well organized and whatnot. 
    • Did you format your blog professionally? 
      I guess I did. 
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    SPORTS TALK.- Blog Post 3

    Spanish football is played in four professional leagues with promotion and relegation taking place at the end of each season.

    The season itself running between mid September and mid May. During this time each Saturday and Sunday sees over 100 professional games taking place across the country. Sitting atop the pyramid of leagues is the 20 teams in Liga A (known simply as "La Liga" in other European countries). Each team will play each other once at home and once away within a season.

    Rivalries are: Barcelona vs Real Madrid. Ahletico Madrid vs Madrid

    Boca vs River

    Real Madrid and Barcelona are usually on top

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    Text Talk

    IM and text talk has become increasingly more popular in this generation. For the most part, people are very lazy, and decide not to type out full words or sentences. Personally, I type out full words and sentences when I talk to people online, but abbreviate everything when I text people. My research questions were, "Is there a difference between IM talk and text talk? What are the popular abbreviations?" I talked to a 20 girl, Fatima, from Spain to get her outlook. 

    Isabella T: Is there a difference between instant messaging and text messaging?

    Fatima L: not really. it is all kind of the same.

    Isabella T: What are the most popular abbreviations?

    Fatima L: a10 and a2 are usually used to say "adios" and aki is used to say "aquí"

    Fatima L: numbers are usually used in abbreviations. it is also popular to say b7s which is "kisses". which is said instead of adiós/goodbye.

    Isabella T: Haha, that's interesting. In english, people usually shorten words, but it seems like in spanish words are abbreviated by the way the words actually sound. Such as "aki" or "bn"

    Fatima L: yeah, that is true. other ones are like "exo" (hecho) or "fsta" (fiesta).

    Isabella T: Are there any weird abbreviations?

    Fatima L: yeah i guess so. por favor is usually "xfa" and hasta luego is "hl".

    Most people don't know that texting and instant messaging started or became popular in Europe before anywhere else. I did find it interesting that they use numbers as apposed to just using letters. 

    Blog Post #3

    How To Break Up With Your Novio/Novia...

    There are many ways to break up with people. There are also many reasons why. Through my research I found out a couple of ways to say it if you want to learn there down below…

    Corté con mi novia/novio.

    Rompí con mi novia/novio.

    Lo dejé con mi novia/novio.

    Mi novia/novio y yo lo dejamos.

    To Break Up-Separarse

    To Break Up-Terminar

    To Break Up-Hacerse Pedazos

    As you can see there are many ways to let someone down easy. :)


    o   Who you spoke with and why you chose that partner

    The girl’s name was Astrid, and I talked to her because she actually responded!

    o   What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?

    We didn’t get a chance to finish our conversation, but I know that she is about my age, a bit older, and she is learning English on her own, which is really hard!

    o   How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goals?

    My new goal is to find out about people’s abilities to speak languages that are not their own (having me as the test subject as well) I am pretty happy with this discussion.

    o   What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations? What specifically to you need to improve on? (Quote specific things you said or did and what you would have done or said if you could do it again)

    o   I am pretty sure that if I could do this again, I would do it the same way.

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    The American Dream (50 years in the future)

    ​Our (Imani and I) poster essentially is split on a diagonal to show a comparison of what will be apart of the American Dream in the future and what will not be. The bottom half shows our main idea of what the future American Dream will be, having the perfect online life instead of the perfect reality. The upper half shows the things that are part of our American Dream today that will fade as the American Dream in the future.
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    Spanish Blog

    For my second blog post, I talked to Estafan again.  This time we talked about parties and going out on the weekends.  I asked him some questions like, what he likes to do on the weekends, who he likes to hang out with, where he likes to go, and what’s his favorite thing to do.  He told me he loves going out to parties, and playing soccer.  He told me where his mom was from and whose his favorite player in soccer is and who his favorite team is.