En Mi Apartamento...

​En mi apartamento, hay un baño entre los dos habitaciónes (para mi y mi hermana mayor, y mi mamá) en el segundo piso. En el primero piso, tenemos un comedor entre mi cocina. En mi comedor/cocina, hay una mesa, muchas sillas y una estufé, y una nevera con mucha comida eso me encanta comer todos los días. Próximo a mi comedor es mi sala. En mi sala, hay dos sofás, una computadora escritorio (con la computadora de mi familia), una computadora silla, un espejo grande, y un tele grande. Tenemos también muchas juegos en mi sala(Xbox, Wii, PS2). 

Mi casa

Aqui es mi casa. Mi casa es grande y bonito. Tiene bastante largo jardin y garaje. Hay tres baños, cuatro habitacíones, y una grande sala. No hay piscina, pero hay muchas floras. Hay arboles con chimenea.

La casa de Cierto

Esta es mi casa. Hay cinco ventanas y dos cuarto. El sala tiene tres sofá y un tele. El cocina tiene estufa y nevera. Mi cuarto tiene dos cama y un ventanas, hay un guardarropa. Mi padres tiene un cama con guardarropa.


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Blog #4

  • Who you spoke with and why you chose that partner

    - I spoke with two people, Adri and Ernesto. 
  • What did you learn about them? What did you learn from them?


    How did this interaction help you move towards achieving your personal goals?
  • - To be a little more comfortable with speaking because when he spoke, he was really quickly with it and I don't get what he's talking about so I ask ¿Como? like million times. 
  • What specifically did you do well according to your goals/expectations? What specifically to you need to improve on? (Quote specific things you said or did and what you would have done or said if you could do it again)

    - My last week's goal was to have an actual conversation like audio wise instead of IMs because I wanted to improve my pronunciation as well. 
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    You and the World (make a change)


    Now since you know what bullying is, I am going to tell you why I want you to know about it. I am telling you because most people don’t think about what they are saying to others. I been bullied and I don’t like it. Now I think about what I say to people and I try to say pleasant things to everyone. I try and say "hey" to everyone I know. I do all of this because you never know if you made someones day by just saying "hi" or "you look nice today."

    I have been bullied in the past. I was one of the tallest girls in my school, so people would make fun of me for it. But what they didn’t know was that it hurt me. I explained this to adults and to hear that they understood, made me stronger. But most kids can’t do that. They might think that people really don’t like them when it's not true and they will, most likely, hurt themselves. I think that bullying is not the right way to go in today's society. If your reading this then you should do something about it. Be kind to people and think about what you say to people. This could be happening to any one you love.

     The change will start with you, not only you everyone in the world can make this change. I want you just to think about it, think about really hard.
    We are the change of 2012 bullying !

    (Blog 1)

    Blog Post 3

    Blog Post 3

    I was having a conversation with my mother (Anita Rios) and she answer most of my questions that i had. For an example why doesn't every spanish speaking country speaks spanish so we could all understand each other and we wouldn't have any confusion on words that are being said and the agents to get us confused. She told me that it was just the way that they were raised and the style that they grew up with and it just stayed with them. Also, that if she were to have a conversation with someone in Espana they most likely would ask her what is she saying because they both have their own style of spanish speaking and their own words that have different meanings that puerto ricans words mean. 


    Me- Why won't people understand your style of spanish if they are from a different spanish speaking country 

    Her- Por ella hablan un español diferente de nosotros y ay mucha palabras que son diferente y para ello son defcil para entender 

    Me- Do you have a hard time understanding someone from a different country? 

    Her- A veces si porque ella hablan different y el accent es dora para entender 

    Me- Do they ever ask you "what did you just say" 

    Her- Si pero no es nada malo.

    Me- Do it get you mad? 

    Her- No? no es na malo solo lo deci que esta tratando a decir y ya. 

    Me- Do you ever try to change your spanish for them? 

    Her- Mas nunca, no es necesario porque son solo dos o tres palabras que son diferente

    me- Which spanish do you think is the best? 

    Her- Para mi, el español de los borucas porque el acente es lindo no es como otro estilos de español que son feo 

    Me- k

    Blog Post 4

    1. How to give signs or phrases that can indicate that we should wrap up the conversation?

    2. What is a polite way to say be quiet?

    3. If you think the conversation is dull, or you want to add your input, how to politely speak without it sounding like a complete cut-off.

    3. I don't want this to be a screenshot, but an audio file so I will be able to actually practice.

    Tarea 14-5-12

    Casa de Pobre en La Dominicana República

    ​1) Hay un puerta. La casa es muy pequeña.
    2) No hay ventanas. Aire viene a través el techo.
    3) Hay jardín es mucho bonito.
    4) La casa tiene paredes azul
    5) La vista es fantástica desde el porche
    6) No hay cuartos. La casa tiene una habitación y el baño está fuera.


    ​I've been trying to get people from all over the world to compare and contrast the different environments and community lives. Here is my friend Josselynn from Guatemala. She was born there and eventually came to America at a young age. We talked about what her mom expects from her as a Spanish America girl. Her mother feels that most people view hispanics as let downs.. and she wants Josselynn to be better than that. We also discussed a few slang terms as well as the difficulties that josselynn had to face when coming to America. She was so young that she didn't really too many problems, but as she got old she began to miss her country. It was way more amazing than here. 
    Red = Me
    Purple = Josselynn

    I also added a lot of other conversations I have had. From people allll over the world. Figuring out and comparing all the lifestyles of a spanish speaker :)
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    Mi casa.

    ​La casa es muy grande. La casa tiene diez salas: comedor,cocina, dos baño,sótano, tres cuarto, biblioteca,garaje. La piscina es mucho bonito con un árbol.La casa tiene mucho 

    escalera. El garaje es la grande. Hay a mucho 

    grande tele.La sótano es hace.

    La Casa

    ​1. Hay una dos habitacións.
    2. Hay un dos baños.

    3. La casa tiene una escaleras.
    4. La casa no tiene un garaje.
    5. Hay un tres camas.
    6. La casa no tiene la ducha. Tiene una bañera.
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