Diamond Trading

​I just wanted to note that when you want to purchase a diamond, say...for your beloved, you don't have to pay thousands of dollar for the precious gem since there lots of cheaper solutions. for example, you can get your diamond stone from an authorized diamond dealer, or try diamond trading via several online diamond trading platform. Trust me on this, you'll get your diamond very cheap. For example, visit DiamondFloor website and you'll understand what I mean. Check it here: 



Dan Gild

PSSA Schedule

​March 1, 2012

Dear Parents/Guardians of SLA Juniors:

The PSSA Tests are coming up.  The dates, section(s) tested, and start times are:

Date  Section Start Time in testing room
3/20:  Math/reading sections 1 and 2  8:15 am
3/21:  Math/reading sections 3 and 4 9:00 am
3/22:  Math/reading sections 5 and 6 8:15 am
4/17:  Writing sections 1 and 2 8:15 am
4/18:  Writing sections 3 and 4 9:00 am
4/25:  Science Sections 1 and 2 9:00 am
4/26:  Science Section 3 8:15 am

Please make sure that all students are ON TIME. 

On Wednesdays, juniors should be in their testing room by 9 am. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, juniors should be in their testing room by 8:15 am. Breakfast will be provided in the testing rooms on all days.

Testing standards call for all phones/PDAs/computers/anything electronic to be restricted in the testing area. During testing, you will not be able to contact your son or daughter on the phone, or via text message. In the event of an emergency, call the school. 

The only thing that students can do if they finish testing early is to remain in the testing room and read.  Please make sure they bring a book!

Packing a snack for the testing block is encouraged.

Please do not schedule any outside appointments on testing days.

Please make sure your student has plenty of rest.

Stephanie Dunda and Sunil Reddy, Testing Coordinators

:) Tobacco Revolution

​Sorry a bit late.. Had problems (: 

Cecelia's Sources:

 "Decline in Cigarette Smoking Since the 1980s." Cigarettes and Health Issues Related to Smoking. Smoking Statistics, 29 July 2009. Web. 08 Jan. 2012. <http://www.smokingstatistics.org/Decline_in_Cigarette_Smoking_Since_the_1980s.asp>.

This source was used throughout the project in a way to quote for my tumblr, and it lead to me to the Surgeon General warning idea that I also used for my paper. This link was the foundation of my understanding of what kind of time period I was in and the types of things I would be speaking about. It is basically a copy of my paper without the actually copying in process. This link states the history and background to tobacco. It leads off into commercials and advisement. Then it goes onto how the banning and regulations made against tobacco. Also leading up the publication that smoking cannot be in public areas. It also went into giving stats on the amount of deaths and states that banned tobacco from the public. This site was like a mini doing of my tumblr project. I even use the bottom image of Uncle Sam in my project so show how he influences America

- Cleveland, Emily. "Minnesota Clean Indoor Air Act." Minnesota House of Representatives. Web. Jan. 2012. <http://www.house.leg.state.mn.us/hrd/pubs/ss/ssmciaa.htm>.

Here gave me a brief understanding to what the Minnesota Clean indoor act is. Where exactly people cannot smoke and where they can. It explained to me the start of the act and how it still continues. I used this for my knowledge to see how the first act against Minnesota and smoking could have eventually lead to the clean indoor air act. People are actually ordered to put up signs saying no smoking to influence others, NOT to smoke. The department of health of the enforcers to this act and they give heavy fines for those who disobey it. I may have named a few places here where smoking is not aloud in my reform essay describing the banning of smoking in public places. Minnesota happens to be one of the first to actually ban smoking in some public areas, not all, but some. Then followed a lot of other states.

- The Government and the Courts -Suing The Tobacco Companies - Settlement, Billion, Documents, and Industry Http://www.libraryindex.com/pages/2134/Government-Courts-SUING-TOBACCO-COMPANIES.html#ixzz1j6Q8kFJ5." Library Index. Web. <http://www.libraryindex.com/pages/2134/Government-Courts-SUING-TOBACCO-COMPANIES.html>.

This page gave more of the history to tobacco and the wars. It gave details onto the suing done to tobacco companies and the health cost that companies had to pay to make up for lying to the communities. It also showed the reaction effect that after Mississippi did it’s suing, and then MANY other states decided to sue too. With this link I used it to understand know what types of damage was done after the warning was given out to the public and how they reacted to it. From there I was able to conclude the next step.. How they went even further in the banning chain to end tobacco for all. It is the war between people and big tobacco companies. It states some things about how people went on shows and did interviews about companies making the unhealthy level of their cigs even worse, but I didn’t use that information.

- Heloma, Antero, Markku Nurminen, Kari Reijula, and Jorma Rantanen. "Smoking Prevalence, Smoking-Related Lung Diseases, and National Tobacco Control Legislation." Medscape. Chest, 20 Dec. 2004. Web. <http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/495890>.

This is a site of a bunch of stats that can explain even more lung cancer death, but it’s a bit more recent into the 80’s and 90’s. More like it ranges from 1960-2000. There was a research assignment constructed and this is the link that shows the results and objectives of the information. It all states increases in male, yet a slight decrease in female. It says that 20% of people die from lung cancer due to smoking. I used these statistics to look at what happens even further into the future, now talking about the time of banning in public places and ads rather than just the warning. It even gives information on Europe smokers, but that didn’t pertain to me. Things for tobacco started to REALLY decrease in the 1980’s but I wondered why so far after the warning? That was around the time they decided to put labels and show people what they were smoking, which scared people, so it went down in rating.

- McGrew, Jane. "History of Tobacco Regulation." DRCNet Online Library of Drug Policy. National Commission on Marihuana and Drug Abuse. Web. Jan. 2012. <http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/library/studies/nc/nc2b.htm>.

This link was used to show the history of the tobacco regulation. Regulating and giving laws to tobacco companies and the communities use of tobacco. Very similar to the other links, but I used quotes given in the site. Quotes from someone named brooks, I’m not sure who that is, but I stated the link I found it when I used the quote in the tumblr I made. Two of the quotes were used actually, one talks one this poem about how tobacco is bad and the other quote talks about a shortened verse from a book that describes a woman’s weeping for her husband. I am supposing these of quotes of tobacco poetry the man brooks made.  This link goes further than just quotes from men named brooks or gottsegen, it also goes into more regulation for publication, for revenue, tobacco revenues, and taxing on tobacco. I just used the quotes and a few facts.

- Bayne-Jones, Stanhope, Walter J. Burdette, William G. Cochran, Emmanuel Farber, Louis F. Fieser, Jacob Furth, John B. Hickam, Charles LeMaistre, Leonard M. Schuman, and Maurice H. Seevers. "Smoking and Health (1964)." Profiles in Science. U.S. National Library of Medicine, 27 Mar. 2002. Web. 08 Jan. 2012. <http://profiles.nlm.nih.gov/ps/retrieve/ResourceMetadata/NNBBMQ>.

These are the reports of the Surgeon General. His FIRST document that explains the connection between tobacco and cancer. He gave us the truth about tobacco and how it really is not good for the communities’ health. If people smoke it more, than they have a higher chance of dying. Which lead onto people going crazy because of their health. I used this pdf link, as a background onto the start of people seeing tobacco as a bad thing. I used a quote or two from her to give proof and explain the history of tobacco’s bad.  This research was conducted with loads of scientists, not just one man. I got that confused at one point. The document goes over everything like the study, the criteria, conclusions, cancer, what is in cigarettes, cardio diseases, other things that tobacco can do to harm our health, and so much more. It has 15 chapters

- "Clean Indoor Act." Health.State. 1975. Web. <https://docs.google.com/a/scienceleadership.org/viewer?url=http://www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/indoorair/mciaa/ftb/mciaa.pdf>

This is a breakdown to the clean indoor air act. It gives great specifics to what exactly goes on when dealing with this act. It gives definitions to what a public place is, what smoking is (things I used for my project), and for some reason what public transportation is. It states what is a prohibited place to smoke in, penalties, and responsibilities of the community. I used definitions in my project to state what EXACTLY terms mean when dealing with the idea of smoking and a public place. From reading, I can understand that the clean indoor air act is to make the air surrounding the community a lot cleaner and healthier for people to breath in. not specifically for the smokers because they already have bad lungs. It is more for the people who do NOT smoke, so they do not receive such a deadly reaction to the second hand smoke floating around.

- Thun, M., C. Day-Lally, W. Flanders, and C. Heath. "Excess Mortality among Cigarette Smokers: Changes in a 20-year Interval." Purmed Centrel. American Public Health Association. Web. Sept. 1995. <http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1615570/>.

This was a link filed with data about stats on the death toll when it came down to tobacco. The years ranged up to the 1990’s, and it gave the differences in death for men and woman. It was an original study, with graphs and charts from the 1960’s up to 1988. It shows that lung cancer death rates have increase in both sexes, but for smokers and non-smokers. Which could be a result of second hand smoking. It stated that lung cancer is the largest smoking death among the white middle class. It also shows weird texts pages and charts that are a bit hard to understand so I didn’t use them much. But I used the information of the 1960’s, to show when the warning came out in 1964, that they got their data from somewhere to show how lung cancer relates to smoking even if it was not the exact data he used.

- P, A. "MINNESOTA DOCTORS BEGIN EFFORT TO END SMOKING IN THE STATE." NYTimes.com. 18 Nov. 1984. Web. Jan. 2012. <http://www.nytimes.com/1984/11/18/us/minnesota-doctors-begin-effort-to-end-smoking-in-the-state.html?scp=10>.

This is the other New York Times article that I came across which talks about Minnesota and their struggle to try and end smoking in general for the state. I used this one quote found where a doctor said how could they try and tell others to stop smoking if the patience see them smoking? Which is why smoking in work areas, hospitals, and publics schools got banned to not influence or harm the ones around them. They are trying to encourage and basically brain wash people into hating smoking so as the years go by, people would want to smoke less and less… making the state smoke free. This article was written in 1984, which shows that the wanting of a smoke free state hasn’t shown much progress, since I’m sure people still smoke there. It also gives quotes from patience to doctors about their habit to wanting to quite but just not being able to.

- "More Doctors Smoke Camels Than Any Other Cigarette." YouTube. Ed. Jack Mcgoldrick. YouTube, 11 Nov. 2006. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCMzjJjuxQI>.

I used this video as a starter to my project. I loved the video itself, that in the end I recreated the second half of the video with my partner and I. We ended up using the voice over and everything! It was lovely how it came out! Looks pretty legit. I didn't know how to site the source for YouTube, so I just used the username of the video up loader. Which, I know isn't the original source of the video, but the video is primary. Obviously, a doctor smoking is awful and I use this as the first commercial before the first article as a way to show how smoking was promoted in the past.

- Scurry254624. "(Forgotten Mascots) - Joe Camel." YouTube. YouTube, 30 Nov. 2009. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KgVAdukH1mw>.

This link was used as the ability for another "copy" to show the coooool joe camel that Tyree can be. Also meant for comedy reasons, because it pretty hilarious how a like they look in the video. I wasn't very fond of the setting to the clip split screen, but it looks better than anything else that was tried. This video was used before the reaction article that talked about the "ban" of cartoon commercials. Great direction to commercial then video.  

- Psychotronic42. "Flintstones Cigarette Commercial." YouTube. YouTube, 18 Jan. 2007. Web. 13 Mar. 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAExoSozc2c>.

There was space that was needed and this video filled the extra space. Meant for comedy, information, shocking, and yet very interesting promo to tobacco smoking. Another sign to Tobacco companies campaigning to the younger generations. I sometimes wonder if this video was made my "non official" people, and if it was A real commercial let out years ago. Companies lied about how good this taste!

If Tyree puts his in something OTHER than link format then I'll add them. 

Drive (2011) Film Review - Blase Biello

Blase Biello
Drive Review

Drive is nothing short of visually spectacular. Drive goes further than to just show itself off as a story, it exemplifies itself as a piece of art. The lighting, cinematography, coloring, and wide array of shots/angles were just some of the nails hit right on the head by the entire crew behind the making of Drive. Drive, in my opinion, was a movie that was immensely overlooked by many; that’s why I am able to consider this movie a hidden gem to anyone has yet to see it.          

Along with the beautiful visuals by cinematographer Newton Thomas Sigel, director Nicolas Winding Refn does an amazing job of visualizing and recreating Hossein Amini’s script. Refn takes this movie, and with his filmmaking skills, winds a dark web that spirals and intersects with multiple characters and plot points all putting them onto the giant web of Drive.  Although the story can seem drawn out at some points, there’s beautiful montages to take the space and get the audience through it. In my opinion, I really liked the pacing of the film and the aesthetics it came wrapped with. I didn’t mind watching Gosling cruise the streets in his muscle cars because it was visually pleasing. However, one thing that I would’ve modified in the script would definitely have to be more car chases. For the car chases that did happen had me on the edge of my seat, I would’ve enjoyed a couple more, but that’s just my action-hunger getting riled up. 

Drive is chock full of thematic elements to say the least. On the surface you can easily find; loyalty, mysteriousness, loneliness, love, connection, misfortune, miscommunication and lack of, vulnerability, and bad timing. Throughout the movie the main character, Ryan Gosling, only known as The Driver remains pretty quite, a loner for the most part speaking only when he has too, and keeping it brief when he does. Drive has a layer of loyalty, loneliness, and mysteriousness that he carries throughout the film along with a bunch of other qualities, but they seem to be the ones that shine the brightest. You can find loyalty in the pride Driver takes in his work, taking multiple getaway driver jobs from his friend/boss Shannon played by Bryan Cranston. Driver is loyal to his word giving his clients only 5 minutes to take care of their business before the job is officially, not his problem. You can see this in the opening sequence of the film when Driver is on his job, following each requirement to the fullest and completing the job; successfully transporting the robbers. Driver’s loneliness is anything but unnoticeable as he spends little time in his house, and driving the streets at night alone; not to be bothered by anybody. 

Fortunately, Driver finds love and with that love comes communication; something that he has been lacking and in need of, for what appears to be some time. His love comes from his neighbor, Irene, played by Carey Mulligan. The two become closer and closer as the film goes on; regardless of Irene’s husband who comes back from jail but is killed. Some of the only smiles that Driver sheds in the movie are ones towards Irene and her son, Benicio. One of the first signs of love comes with the montage of Driver driving Irene and Benicio down the dry Los Angeles River and spending some time at the crick nearby. Another theme found throughout the movie is misfortune. There is misfortune in almost every character’s live and it all seems to be in result of each other. Driver is brought misfortune by Shannon’s tragic mafia deal, Irene and Benicio is brought misfortune by her husband’s crime involvement and death, Standard (Benicio’s father) is brought misfortunate by still being stuck in the mafia’s hands as he once was before jail, amongst many other misfortunes. Drive is a very dark look into the life of crime and intersecting everyday-life and it is severely darkened and twisted by director, Refn. The one example, I’d have to say that stuck to me as one of the most misfortunate events in the movie, is the scene where Driver, Blanche, and Standard go to rob the pawn-shop. Just as you think Standard is safe and out of the life of crime, he is killed by the shop owner right in front of Driver and Blanche. This really stood out to me because Standard was really just trying to do this last thing and leave that type of life, but it was just one job to many. 

There were many important scenes throughout the movie. One of the most important and impacting sequences would probably have to be the opening sequence. There was definitely a layer of mysteriousness and tranquility as Driver manipulated multiple systems to escape from the cops and create a nice diversion for his hasty escape by using the busy parking lot. This scene really established the intensity that Gosling was going to hold as the main character, Driver, throughout the movie. Another important scene would have to be the scene where Driver, Irene, and Benicio spend some time together driving down the Los Angeles River and hanging out. This established a connection between all three of them, that cannot be found between any other characters in the movie. I thought that this sequence was a good support and nice building block for Irene and Driver’s relationship as well. Another scene that I found not only important, but more entertaining was the night of Standard’s return and party. As Irene and Driver talked in the hallway, Standard and Benicio came out to take out the trash. Standard had already heard much about Driver and it was hard to say what was about to happen between the two men, Driver and Standard. At some points in the conversation it felt as though they were going to fight or even become friends. However, the meeting went fairly smoothly and there was no fight; which personally I thought was going to happen by the tone in Standard’s voice at the beginning of the conversation. 

Another scene that I found very important to the movie was the pawn-shop heist/chase scene. As Standard is gunned down; Blanche and Driver drive away pursued by a mysteriously fast Chrysler 300. Fortunately, Driver escapes the pursuers. However, this shows that they were not only being monitored but set-up. This adds an element of suspicion, wonder, and angst as Driver later tries to find out who was chasing them through whatever Blanche knows. This was a very entertaining scene and the car chase shots were on point throughout. Another scene that is very important to the overall movie is towards the end when Bernie Rose pays a visit to Shannon. During this scene, Bernie slits Shannon’s entire forearm open and leaves him to die. At this point it was clear that everything was going to spiral downward from there, ending in nothing but bloodshed. Driver later finds Shannon dead in the shop, a very powerful piece of the scene. Driver definitely appears upset over the loss of his friend Shannon and hungry for revenge. That is why I found this scene to be very important and powerful. 

Drive’s multiple story lines develop well into each other and flow nicely. On one side you have the story of Driver and Irene’s developing love and on the other side you have the bad mafia deal drama unfolding. As much development that there was between Irene and Driver, I’d have to say the story line of the mafia deal was definitely more compelling because of the immense amount of characters/heists involved. With the love story there is no fear of losing any of the likable characters, but with the mafia side there is constant fear that one of the main characters will be taken out, which they eventually are. I’d have to say the scene where Shannon is killed in cold-blood is definitely more compelling than Irene playing with broken-off crab claws at the crick. Maybe it’s just because I’m a guy that I found the crime-side story more compelling and interesting. However, I can say that the most important relationship developed on the love side, goes to Driver and Irene. It seems that Irene is the only one in the film that can bring Driver out of the one dimensional silent mood he is usually in. She brings out qualities in him that you cannot see brought out by any of the other characters. When he’s with her you see communication, happiness, and desire. Much of Driver’s character development comes through Irene’s love. You see a brighter side to Driver’s character when he’s around Irene, and that keeps the audience from getting bored of him, I think. Much of the connection between these two characters come through visual elements, such as brighter lighting and close angles. The music that goes along with their montages together also brings them together as a powerful relationship in the film. 

I 100% recommend anyone to see Drive if they haven’t and if they have watch it again and again. There are so many different things to see and notice that can easily be missed after watching only one time. I thought this was a really solid film and definitely deserved a nomination in a category other than sound mixing, I think this movie should’ve definitely been nominated for Best Achievement in Cinematography due to its fresh, clean look. Enjoy Drive as a piece of art and as a darkly-spirally-webbed story. 

The Harmful Law

​     When choosing my topic I chose my topic by trying to think of something that most people would have at lest herd a little about but would not be what they first though of when they heard of revolution, reaction, and reform. I don't know what made me first think of Prohibition but once I though of it I became very interested in the topic. Prohibition relates to the topic of revolution, reaction, and reform because The Eighteenth Amendment was a revolution which caused a reaction, organized crime, and the Twenty-First Amendment is the reform. When conducting my research I started by learning more about Al Capone and how he, and other organized crime, affected the making of the Twenty-First Amendment. Also I researched how peoples opinions changed form before the Eighteenth Amendment to before the Twenty-First Amendment. I decided to do a performance because I though it would be interesting to present the topic from the point of view of alcohol.


Rothstein, Edward. "Las Vegas Embraces Bad Guys of Its Past." New York Times 13 Febuary 2012, n. pag. 0. <http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/14/arts/design/mob-museum-opens-in-las-vegas.html?_r=3&pagewanted=1&adxnnl=1&ref=arts&adxnnlx=1329318264-5iQ7lPjwtqSKsxIVln3OWA>.


            This source talks about the Mob Museum in Las Vegas. The Mob Museum opened on Valentine's Day 83 years after the St. Valentines Day Massacre. It shows both the more attractive side of organized crime and the more violent. It also talks about the fight to stop organized crime.


"7 Chicago Gangsters Slain by Firing Squad of Rivals, in Police Uniforms." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. Web. Jan. 2012. <http://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/big/0214.html>.


This source talks about the St. Valentine's day Massacre and how brutal it was. It talks about those who were killed and how two of the four men who killed them were dressed in police uniforms, which made them think that it was a police raid. This source is useful because it shows how different gangs would go after each other. Also it shows how Al Capone could easily avoid the blame by using the alibi that he was in Florida even though he still could have coordinated the event from Florida. It also shows how the police were unable to find those who did it.


"Prohibition Repeal Is Ratified at 5:32 P.M.;Roosevelt Asks Nation to Bar the Saloon;New York Celebrates With Quiet Restraint." The New York Times - Breaking News, World News & Multimedia. Web. Jan. 2012. <http://www.nytimes.com/learning/general/onthisday/big/1205.html>.


This source talks about when the Twenty-first Amendment was ratified which repealed the Eighteenth Amendment making alcohol once again legal in the United States. This source is useful because it shows how President Roosevelt greatly supported the end of prohibition because of the organized crime and illegal trafficking that happened because of the Eighteenth Amendment.


"The Constitution of the United States: Amendments 11-27." National Archives and Records Administration. Web. Jan. 2012. <http://www.archives.gov/exhibits/charters/constitution_amendments_11-27.html>.


This source is the Eighteenth and Twenty-first Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. This source is useful because it shows how both of the amendments are written which makes it easier to comprehend what each amendment actually does. For example the Eighteenth Amendment makes it illegal to make, sell or transport alcohol but says nothing against drinking it. The Twenty-first Amendment both ends Prohibition and makes it able for any aria to make there own laws about alcohol there.


"Volstead Act- 1920." American History and World History at Historycentral.com the Largest and Most Complete History Site on the Web. Web. Jan. 2012. <http://www.historycentral.com/documents/Volstead.html>.


The Vostead Act was made after the Eighteenth Amendment in order to define intoxicating liquors. It also talks about the penalties for breaking the Eighteenth Amendment and the laws concerning alcohol used for medical use. This source is useful because it shows more about the law then the Eighteenth Amendment.




"Prohibition." Digital History. Web. Dec. 2011. <http://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu/database/article_display.cfm?HHID=441>.

This source is useful because it starts by talking about the country before prohibition and what lead up to the 18th Amendment. It explains how the World War made it seem patriotic not to drink. It talks about how after the 18th Amendment was passed the government did not enforce the law enough and how after some time would not enforce it especially because a lot of polices were bribed. When the 18th Amendment was passed it did have some immediate heath benefits in the beginning but after a few years the consequences, like gang violence and increased drinking, became more apparent. People started to see that prohibition was not working the way they had expected and were beginning to think that it should end. It ends with the 21st Amendment and then the source concludes by explaining both the short and long term affects of prohibition and different opinions on it’s affect.

Hanson, David J. "Repeal of Prohibition." WWW2 Webserver. Web. Dec. 2011. <http://www2.potsdam.edu/hansondj/Controversies/1131637220.html>.

This source starts of with showing how much people believed prohibition would succeed at fixing many of America' s problems. Instead it added more problems to society. After some time people and groups who greatly supported prohibition started to see that it was making things worse. Pauline Sabin was one of the people who greatly supported prohibition to help make America safer for her family. She then grew to see that prohibition was making it worse because of things like underage drinking, corruption in the government and violence. The same reasons why she supported prohibition was why she was against it. There are eleven different groups that were set on getting the 18th amendment repealed. In the 1932 election Franklin Roosevelt promised repeal when he ran for president. On December 5, 1933 74 percent voted to repeal prohibition. The 21st Amendment both repealed the 18th Amendment and made it possible for States to have there own laws concerning alcoholic beverages.        

Hanson, David J. "Prohibition: The Noble Experiment." WWW2 Webserver. Web. Dec. 2011. <http://www2.potsdam.edu/hansondj/FunFacts/Prohibition.html>.

This source gives many facts about different parts of prohibition. Temperance societies spoke out against alcoholic beverages with a lot of passion but with little accuracy. They thought that people who drank a lot could spontaneously combust and that alcohol vapors could harm three generations of children. They considered alcohol a poison and a sin to drink it and would not believe evidence to the contrary. They wanted it removed from ancient text and rewrote the Bible so that it would not reference alcohol. They also had a picture of George Washington changed so that it would not show that he drank. Also during prohibition they had many ideas of harsh punishments that should be used to enforce the law. It also talked about some of the cons of prohibition. One thing was the disrespect the law had, the Speaker of the House had and used an illegal still. One time a jury was put on trial because they drank the evidence to a bootlegging case. Organized crime became a big part of America. Al Capone made sixty million dollars per year and when prohibition ended in Chicago almost 800 gangsters had been killed and so many citizens were affected by the bad quality of the alcohol.               

"Prohibition." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. 2000. Web. Dec. 2011. <http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/miami/peopleevents/pande06.html>.

This source starts by talking about the groups that were against drinking. In the years leading up to the 18th Amendment about half of the states saloons were illegal and most of those also had laws against the making of alcoholic beverages.  Saloons were becoming more violent and a lot of people thought that they were bad for family's in America. The 18th Amendment was ratified in January of 1919. Though prohibition was passed by Congress it was not given the resources needed to enforce the law. Prohibition lead to organized crime and lead to disrespect for the law. One example of this is that President Warren Harding had some drinks when he was at Miami Beach. People were wanting the 18th amendment to be repealed by the late 1920s. Because of the Great Depression people started blaming prohibition for lowering both the amount of jobs available and the amount for government revenue. In l933 the 21st Amendment was ratified with 93 percent in favor.

"History Files - Al Capone." Chicago History Museum. 1999. Web. Jan. 2012. <http://www.chicagohs.org/history/capone.html>.

This source talks about Al Capone. He was born in Brooklyn New York on the 17th of January,1899. He was part of different gangs in New York and had many different jobs. He was still a teenager when he killed two men and moved to Chicago in 1919. In Chicago he worked for John Torrio and quickly rose in power until he was Torrio's partner. He became the boss when Tarrio had to leave Chicago. He had more success then Torrio and in 1930 had a yearly income of $100,000,000. He was kicked out of Chicago and moved to Florida in 1928. He was good at having his enemies killed and would have an alibi ready. Even when he was in Florida he still was able to kill his enemies. One of the most known was the St. Valentine's Day Massacre in 1929. He did have some good traits. He believed strongly in loyalty and honer and when the stock market crashed he opened soup kitchens and had shops give food and clothes to those in need at his expense. He was rarely tried for his crimes. In 1927 the government started planing to arrest Capone for tax evasion. The main person in the investigation was Frank Wilson. Capone tried to bribe his way out but was not able to and got 11 years in prison.




Hanson, David . "Alcohol-Related Traffic Crashes: A Cause." WWW2 Webserver. N.p., n.d. Web. Feb 2012. <http://www2.potsdam.edu/hansondj/DrivingIssues/1095209916.html>.


This source talks about how dry counties have more alcohol-related traffic accidents then wet counties. The reason for this for this being that people in dry counties will drive farther to get alcohol. This source is helpful because is shows how places with laws against alcohol still have problems related to it like how there was more crime because of the Eighteenth Amendment.


Hanson, David J. "Dry counties." Alcohol. State of University of New York, 1997. Web. Feb 2012. <http://www2.potsdam.edu/hansondj/Controversies/1140551076.html>.


This source talks about dry counties. These are places were alcohol is illegal. Some places have stricter laws then others. For example it is illegal to transport alcohol through some places but others allow alcohol to be served at large restaurants. This source is useful because it shows how prohibition is still around today.


Hanson, David. "Drinking and Driving." Potsdam.edu. N.p., 2011. Web. Feb 2012. <http://www2.potsdam.edu/hansondj/DrinkingAndDriving.html>.


This source talks about drinking while driving. This includes how the problem is being salved and the penalty of drinking while driving. This source is useful because it shows the present problems with alcohol and how the law enforcement is dealing with the current problem.





            Hay, hay you! Can I talk to you for a minute? I’m Alcohol, and no your not drunk so don’t freak out on me. I was just thinking today about my past here in America. So in the beginning of the 201h century people were getting drunk all the time and starting numerous fights in saloons. People started to get angry with me especially some groups called the Women’s Christian Temperance group and the Anti-Saloon League. Finally the government came along and created the Eighteenth Amendment and the Volstead Act making it illegal to make, sell, or transport me. At first I was upset, I thought that my life was over, but it had just begun. You see people love to drink, and you can’t always stop people from doing what they love. And so with Prohibition came organized crime. People like Al Capone started making and selling me in huge quantities. At first I was thrilled, I loved all the attention I was getting. Then things started going bad, because with organized crime comes crime, and with crime comes violence. Ever heard of the St. Valentine's Day Massacre? In one night seven people were killed because of me with more then 150 bullets, and one of them was just a mechanic. Places like Chicago became places were guns and money had more of an affect on the justness system there then the law and police. I mean how can you stop the making and selling of illegal liquor when the police both drink and get paid by guys like Capone? I started to hate Prohibition because the quality that people were making me was far less then it was before. Also there was no way for the Government to control me. Before they would put taxes on me and only people of a certain age can buy me. Now anyone could buy me, people like Capone don’t care about age. I was happy when they finally arrested Capone, well mostly because of the way they arrested him. I still am impressed with the idea to arrest him because of his taxes and not because of me. Still it’s not like I hate Capone, I mean he is still human. Did you when the stock market crashed he was one of the first to open soup kitchens? They now have a new museum all about organized crime. It’s called the Mob Museum and from what I herd it shows a good variety of information about both how violent and bloody organized crime is and how the police fought against it, ones they were no longer drunk. After this the government finally started to see that Prohibition was making things worse and was harming the country. So they made a new law, the Twenty-first Amendment. I was legal again! Still it took a long time before people started drinking as much as they did before, and a lot of the legal breweries did not survive Prohibition. Now people drink, and there are still places were I’m not allowed. That’s why I’m here in fact, got lost going the long way around Mississippi. I find the fact that Prohibition still exists today in such large extent confusing. Do you know that there are more drunk driving accidents in dry arias because people drive farther to get to a place were I’m legal? Why are they not releasing that laws against me turn out to cause harm? As I said before people love to drink, and you can’t always stop people from doing what they love.



Prohibition- Olivia, Christian and Rebecca R.


January 16, 1920 - Prohibition Begins!           


Alcohol prohibition started on January 16, 1920, when the 18th amendment went into effect. Police were supposed to enforce this law, but little did America's government realize how many problems taking away alcohol would cause.

            America decided to take away the use of alcohol due to many abuse issues throughout the country. Many wives and children were being hit by their drunk husbands/fathers, and it was becoming a huge problem for families all over. This caused women to fight for prohibition, stating that it would help protect families from the side effects of alcohol.



February 27, 1929 – St. Valentines Day Massacre


                    Around 10:30 this morning seven bodies were found in a North Chicago garage. It is believed that there was looks outs, Harry and Phil Keywell, on the scene before the attack. Two of the attackers were found stealing a police car and dressing as officers.  Thinking that this was a police raid the Moran gang did just as they were told.

There were a total of four of the attackers, thought to be Fred "Killer" Burke, John Scalise, Albert Anselmi, and Joseph Lolordo. The gunmen were supposedly storming into the garage where the Moran gang was meeting.



Prohibition Ends At Last!


At 6 p.m. yesterday, Utah became the 36th state to ratify the 21th amendment, repealing the 18th amendment and ending prohibition. The Prohibition era was a very dark time for the United States as it led to many problems. For thirteen years, criminals have used this period to supply illegal alcohol, commit organized crime, which lead to the rise of civil misdemeanors and delinquency.

The Mob Museum:

Located in the heart of downtown Las Vegas the Mob Museum is now one of the most comprehensive museums in the nation. With a total of 12 exhibits explaining things like the myths and the memories of these mobs and the members, this museum has people from all over coming to see and learn about the time of prohibition. The museum goes threw step by step how prohibition started, how the gangs got involved, how the alcohol was made and sold, the myths between the gangs, the organized crimes and, of coarse, how it ended. The museum takes you threw the fact and the fiction; what really happened.

Here are our sources!


Mickelsen, Gunnar. "Famous Gardens and Wein Stuben Gave City Its Charm in the Early Days." Milwaukee Sentinel [Milwaukee] 21 Feb. 1932: 1-9. Wisconsin Historical Society. Web. 06 Jan. 2012.



This link talks about the city of Milwaukee. It states that due to prohibition, Milwaukee lost it’s charm. It talks about how difficult it was for Milwaukee to deal with prohibition due to the size of the city. This article went as far as to say that prohibition was a personal attack.


Network, The Learning. "Dec. 5, 2011 | Ratification of 21st Amendment Ends Prohibition - NYTimes.com." The Learning Network - The Learning Network Blog - NYTimes.com. NYTimes.com, 5 Jan. 2011. Web. 06 Jan. 2012.


This article speaks of the time period when prohibition was repealed. The date was December 5th, 1933 and talks about Utah being the 36th and last state to ratify the 21st Amendment to the Constitution and repealing the 18th Amendment. It also goes on about how Prohibition was introduced and initially, people thought alcohol caused "poor health, hurt families, and increased crime and bad behavior." Then it says how prohibition had an opposite effect. It led to many crimes and black market for alcohol smuggling and trade, aka “bootlegging.” This website was very useful for our project because it was nice to to see a


Broihahn, John. "Brewing and Prohibition." Wisconsin Historical Society. Wisconsin Historical Society, 1 Jan. 2004. Web. 06 Jan. 2012.


This website provides a ton of useful news articles from around the time of prohibition. The only negative of this website is that it only focuses on Wisconsin. One very useful article from Wisconsin Historical Society was titled, "Wisconsin Temperance Journal, April 1840." This article talks about how Wisconsin deals with Prohibition. Starting with efforts to curb consumption of alcohol.




Service, Public B. "Prohibition: Timeline | PBS." PBS: Public Broadcasting Service. PBS: Public Broadcasting Service, 1 Jan. 2011. Web. 06 Jan. 2012.


This website, by PBS, gives about 100+ years of information about Prohibition from when Reverand Lyman Beecher goes against alcohol (1826) to when the 21st Amendment is ratified (1933). This website was very useful for the group because it is nice to see a visual representation of what we are research rather than just reading words. PBS also provides images for every plot on the timeline which is very helpful as well.


Mashups, SmartViper S. "1920's Prohibition." The 1920's - Roaring Twenties - The Nineteen Twenties in History. Wordpress, 1 Jan. 2005. Web. 06 Jan. 2012.



Quiries, E. N. "Prohibition and the Gangsters." History Learning Site. History Learning Site, 1 Jan. 2000. Web. 06 Jan. 2012. <http://www.historylearningsite.co.uk/prohibition_and_the_gangsters.htm>.


Mat and Terrance- BMark 3


Video games are a topic known very well around the world. It is something that connects people of different ages, races, religions, and social status. It is something that brings people closer together, allows to meet new people, and even learn new skills. I guess you can say that my partner and I chose this topic because it is something that we experience first hand. What better ways to do a project then to do one that you are nearly an expert on and enjoy doing. Our first hand knowledge made it very easy to conduct research. Also the fact that we had friends on a video game consoles that we could use a sources if we needed to made it even better. Although we knew a lot of the information, timeline, etc. there are still things that you can learn from doing a good job with researching, which made this project even more fun because with every source that we got from a teacher, a friend, and found ourselves we would unlock a piece of information that we were not familiar with before. Even though we were having fun there were difficult parts. The most difficult had to be selecting our presentation category because originally we wanted to make the presentation feel like a video game, but there were no categories that would support the type of project we wanted to make. Eventually we decided that choosing a documentary would be the best way to do this. Doing this documentary was pretty awesome. From the very first time that my teacher announced the NHD project I immediately thought video games. The reason for this is because video game technology is a revolution that no one can ignore. It changed society because of the amazing technological advancement that we were seeing, and that we are still seeing. In just forty years we went from a box that only played simple games to a motion sensor that detects every movement of your body and can also be used for voice commands. The revolution of video games is an amazing one that someone needed to point out and represent well which is exactly what we are intending to do in this project.


New York Times, . "COMPANY NEWS; Bushnell to Atari." New York Times [New York] 25 May 1988, n. pag. Web. 8 Jan. 2012. <http://www.nytimes.com/1988/05/25/business/company-news-bushnell-to-atari.html?src=pm>.

This article gives some basic information on what the industry plans to do with Atari. When I read this article, I just thought, “Hey, I can really make this seem legit.” This article gave me a feel for how and what the people were feeling at the time when Atari announced its beginning. In the articles that I plan on writing, I can give a realistic tone and mood to the audience, as if they were reading this NYT article that was written decades ago. This article gives me the opportunity to make this project more than just a project, but a cool piece of evidence that could actually belong to an archive that would be created for the gaming industry’s past.


Fisher, Lawrence. "BUSINESS PEOPLE; Founder of Atari Sets A Return Engagement." New York Times [New York] 02 June 1988, n. pag. Web. 8 Jan. 2012. <http://www.nytimes.com/1988/06/02/business/business-people-founder-of-atari-sets-a-return-engagement.html?src=pm>.

The purpose of this article is very similar to that of the previous New York Times Article. The only difference was the relevance of the article. This one is more recent, relatively speaking, and it shows us more the reaction of the people when Atari began to give more information to the public. We really wanted this project to be realistic and show our audience how much of an impact video games has/had on society by not only showing them articles, but by trying to give them the same feeling readers in that time might have had.


Fisher, Lawrence. "BUSINESS PEOPLE; Atari Founder Joining In Commodore Venture." New York Times [New York] 09 May 1990, n. pag. Web. 8 Jan. 2012. <http://www.nytimes.com/1990/05/09/business/business-people-atari-founder-joining-in-commodore-venture.html?src=pm>.

This article was more for content of our articles, rather than for the mood and tone. We’ve begun to notice that there aren’t dozens of pages of articles written on this event and the time of Atari debuting, but we do realize a lot of it has to do with the game developers rather than the consoles. This lets us know that not much focus was on the product because the company wasn’t really telling the public much about what they were doing, just when it was coming and the process it took. This lets us know that we should fill that space of telling the audience about the consoles instead of the developers, so that’s what we intend to do.


Wilbur, Jay. "Id Software to Unleash DOOM on the PC." rome.ro. Id Software, Jan. 1993. Web. 8 Jan 2012. <http://rome.ro/lee_killough/history/doompr3.txt>.

The press release of “Doom” contained every last aspect of the game and what it offered. It included everything you would see in a commercial for the game, and the info written on the back of a new game case, if you have any experiences with buying any. In my project, I intend to show how revolutionary a simple and obviously obsolete game like this had been back in the mid-late 1900’s. We want to include this in one of our articles, showing the modern audiences a glimpse of the past, keeping in mind that they know how advanced our technology is right now. In our presentation, we are going to make all these “new” features about the game seem really high tech and new, just to give our audience a taste of how much the release of this game had truly meant.


Feagans, John. Personal Interview. 1986.

In this interview, the director of Software Technology, John Feagans, answers some questions about technological advances and progress with different operating systems for computers. During this time, computers were very new and people were just beginning to understand the potential of a computer. Feagan’s role in this interview was to answer questions sent to Atari about the concepts of the code used in Atari video games and programs. John Feagans was the equivalent to google.com when it came to the issues people were having with newer machines. Instead of searching an error code and message to understand how to avoid it and fix it, they sent mail to John Feagans; and in a few very brief, but accurate and insightful sentences, Feagans answered every last question to the T, obviously well enough for people to understand if the point had been made clear, as depicted by Atari.


Wingfield, Nick. "Xbox Live Challenges Cable Box." Editorial. NYTIMES. NEW YORK TIMES, 5 Dec. 2011. Web. 12 Mar. 2012. <http://www.nytimes.com/2011/12/05/technology/xbox-live-challenges-the-cable-box.html?pagewanted=all>.

This article was written about the new Xbox 360 firmware update that would allow Xbox Live Gold Members to watch a “wide array” of television programs straight from their Xbox as long as they are already registered. The article strongly describes the “jarring” process of using the cable box or remote to sift through programs on your TV, but with Xbox, it simplifies the entire process for users of all ages for their convenience. We used facts and ideas from this article to prove video games will be more than a source of entertainment in virtual reality.


Vance, Ashlee. "With Kinect, Microsoft Aims for a Game Changer." Editorial. NYTIMES. NEW YORK TIMES, 23 Oct. 2010. Web. 12 Mar. 2012. <http://www.nytimes.com/2010/10/24/business/24kinect.html?pagewanted=all>.

This article talked about the ground breaking hardware released for the Xbox 360 called the Kinect- which is a motion recognition system that translates your moves in reality to moves on your television screen. The New York Times compares what Microsoft does to Sci-Fi only seen on TV and how Microsoft will likely take over virtual reality while Apple is still using touch screen. We used this article for stats and approaches the newspaper used to delay to the readers. We know if they emphasize certain things, then that is what the people want.


ment, Phil. "Magnavox Odyssey History - Invention of the Magnavox Odyssey." The Great Idea Finder - Celebrating the Spirit of Innovation. Web. 06 Jan. 2012. <http://www.ideafinder.com/history/inventions/magodyssey.htm>.

In this citation the website states many different facts about a man named Ralph Baer. Ralph Baer was the first man to come up with a video game system and that system was called the brown box. What was learned from this website is the “Brown Box” was later named the Magnavox Odyssey because Magnavox licensed the “Brown Box”. Some more things that this website does that will help the project is provide a timeline of some of Ralph Baer’s accomplishments such as him being rewarded the National Medal of Technology in 2004. The presentation will use this site in many ways such as using the information given to make a timeline and also create a background on Ralph Baer so that people are not confused about who he is. Another way that the presentation will use this site is by using it’s information of how Ralph Baer created a popular electron matching game called Simon that is still sold today.


Kwan, Michael. "When Did Video Game Ratings Start." Free Online Games | WII Games | Xbox 360 | Playstation 3. Web. 06 Jan. 2012. <http://videogames.lovetoknow.com/wiki/When_Did_Video_Game_Ratings_Start>.

This citation gives a background on what ESRB is, when it began, how it is used, and how serious it is taken. What was learned from this website is that ESRB stands for Entertainment Software Rating board. Another piece of information that was learned is that it began in 1994 in response to how upset parents were because the game Mortal Kombat was so violent. What will be done with this site in the presentation is show all the ESRB ratings, which range from Early Childhood (EC) to Adults Only (AO). With these with these ratings a list of some of the industries most influential games along with their ratings will be provided and if someone does not understand the rating they can always refer back to the chart that will be given. The last way that the site will be used is to help people understand why exactly they started putting ratings on games and what groups of people deemed it most important.


Staff, GamePro. "20 Games That Changed Gaming Forever | PCWorld." Reviews and News on Tech Products, Software and Downloads | PCWorld. 24 June 2009. Web. 06 Jan. 2012. <http://www.pcworld.com/article/167229/20_games_that_changed_gaming_forever.html>.

This site provides a list of twenty of the most influential games in history and explanations on why each one was influential. This site provides excellent information on games such as Bio-shock, Resident evil, Portal, etc… The way that this list will be used is it will help develop one of our own lists of the top 7 games that had the most impact on modern gaming. It will also be used to let people know how most of those games revolutionized gaming today. The game that will probably have the most information on is Doom because it is believed that, that game has had the biggest influence on modern gaming. This list is something that keeps the reader interested because most of them will want to keep reading to see if they have played any of the games up there but it’s informational at the same time so they are not just wasting their time reading words that don’t matter.


Laud, Joshua. "History of the First 3D Video Games | EHow.com." EHow | How to Videos, Articles & More - Discover the Expert in You. | EHow.com. 25 Dec. 2011. Web. 06 Jan. 2012. <http://www.ehow.com/about_6436661_history-first-3d-video-games.html>.

This site may be one of the most important ones used. The reason is because this site helps the presentation introduce 3D gaming. To many, when 3D gaming began, that is what really revolutionized the gaming industry. Instead of people playing with boxes chasing each other or two paddles hitting a ball back and forth, you now have a game like Maze War and Spasim, which is short for Space Simulation. This site will be used by referring to it to let people know about when the first experimentations with 3D began and it will also be used to introduce one first 3D games and one of the first, first person shooter game. Both of them titles go to Maze War. Another use for this site is to introduce how these games later affected games after them because they were the first videogames to actually experiment with 3D effects and Maze War was the first to use the first person shooting game.


Takahashi, Dean. "The Making of the Xbox: How Microsoft Unleashed a Video Game Revolution (part 1) | VentureBeat." VentureBeat | Tech. People. Money. 14 Nov. 2011. Web. 06 Jan. 2012.


This site explains the revolution of the Xbox. They let the reader know about how much of a risk Microsoft took when releasing the first Xbox then explain that the risk made them lose 4 billion dollars with the first console, but ever since the Xbox 360 came out it made more than 1 billion dollars a year. The way that this site’s information will be included into this project is it will use the various pieces of information in this site to show how gaming was expanded on in the future. Since it tells the reader about the how Xbox created the console that was not just for games any more, the presentation would explain exactly what this system holds and what other systems have done the same thing just not as successfully as Xbox. Such as the Sony Playstation 3 which hosts free online for it’s users but since the users do not pay for it, the budget on it Is based on what Sony as a company makes as opposed to Xbox 360 which makes it’s users pay for online so that the money they make from that can go right back into improving the online.



Paprocki, Matt. "The ESRB and Grand Theft Auto Round 50... Or Something Around There." - Blogcritics Sci/Tech. Matt Paprocki, 16 July 2005. Web. 15 Mar. 2012. <http://blogcritics.org/scitech/article/the-esrb-and-grand-theft-auto/>.

This blog entry shows the opinion of a consumer that supports the ESRB and their efforts of keeping games at a level appropriate with their ratings. He expresses his feelings about how the ESRB went out of their way to fix a game that was presented with its worst available content, which included the Hot Coffee mod which was a mini game that allowed the player to participate in grotesque and obscene activities. We used this to get a better idea on how the ESRB was made and how consumers appreciate what it does. We also struck gold when we realized it was in 2005 because his judgment is on a topic that had been happening currently for him.

Process Paper: Mat and Terrence

Video games are a topic known very well around the world. It is something that connects people of different ages, races, religions, and social status. It is something that brings people closer together, allows to meet new people, and even learn new skills. I guess you can say that my partner and I chose this topic because it is something that we experience first hand. What better ways to do a project then to do one that you are nearly an expert on and enjoy doing. Our first hand knowledge made it very easy to conduct research. Also the fact that we had friends on a video game consoles that we could use a sources if we needed to made it even better. Although we knew a lot of the information, timeline, etc. there are still things that you can learn from doing a good job with researching, which made this project even more fun because with every source that we got from a teacher, a friend, and found ourselves we would unlock a piece of information that we were not familiar with before. Even though we were having fun there were difficult parts. The most difficult had to be selecting our presentation category because originally we wanted to make the presentation feel like a video game, but there were no categories that would support the type of project we wanted to make. Eventually we decided that choosing a documentary would be the best way to do this. Doing this documentary was pretty awesome. From the very first time that my teacher announced the NHD project I immediately thought video games. The reason for this is because video game technology is a revolution that no one can ignore. It changed society because of the amazing technological advancement that we were seeing, and that we are still seeing. In just forty years we went from a box that only played simple games to a motion sensor that detects every movement of your body and can also be used for voice commands. The revolution of video games is an amazing one that someone needed to point out and represent well which is exactly what we are intending to do in this project.

The Secret Past of Our Modern Life

Process Paper:

Since I am all ready interested in the sciences, it wasn’t a leap to research the history of electricity. I knew all the technical and science aspects but not how it was adopted into the U.S. and the world. The idea was to choose a topic that is related to today but one that we take for granted or don’t necessary ask, “What is the history of this”? I thought it would be very interesting to research how it became so deeply in every aspect of our life. I knew Edison invented the light bulb and little bit on Tesla but not the relationship between the two. Or how F.D.R. used R.E.A. to make electricity spread across the U.S.

I watched documentaries about the subject, although they weren’t very specific into my topic I gathered a lot of information from them. Over the course of about 2 to 3 months I compiled a document of the information, including essays that were used for another project. Also, finding primary sources such as actual legislature and real footage, by the way of the Internet which is where the other facts came from. They helped the video aspect as-well. The other archival footage was really helpful in explaining facts and it gave a sense of the past - since most of them where made in the 1930-1960’s. Most of the information for the video was from articles and secondary sources. 

I choose to do a video to be more engaging and entertaining than just a website with text and pictures. As well as, it would be a more creative project that just facts and point of views in words. I represented themes visually and let people actually see what happened in history with footage. I tried to make it more of an entertaining movie rather than me just talking about facts on facts. Instead of trying to visual the scenes in your own head. For the programs, I used iMovie to make the video. The video is from various websites, mainly youtube, mostly primary. I compiled the video with dramatic scores, and near the era music, to get into the time of what it was like back then.

After the introduction the project goes into the three parts of the NHD theme, Revolution, Reaction and Reform. The revolution part is the first steps of electricity and how it was started. That sparked, no pun intended, an electricity race across the country and it primarily between two minds who had different ideas on the topic. The Reaction part of the project is how Edison reacted to Tesla, what he did to try to squash Tesla’s ideas and inventions. By electrocuting an elephant and making the electric chair. Finally the reform part is when the government, F.D.R., got involved and how they implemented it across the country. There is no conclusion because I wanted the audience to make their own conclusions, to think about the video and how it relates to their life.



"The Missing Secrets Of Nikola Tesla - YouTube." YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. 29 Oct. 2009. Web. 15 Jan. 2012. <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5uiK_QnyrE>.

A video showing the history of Nikola Tesla ranging from childhood to latter life. Basically the last half talks about a death ray and world peace (not really useful). But the first half talks about the history of him, Edison and Westinghouse. Which I could use to provide some background during the article.

"Welcome to the Tesla Memorial Society of New York Website." Tesla Memorial Society of New York. Web. 15 Jan. 2012. <http://www.teslasociety.com/exhibition.htm>.

This source has a lot of good information on the power plant at Niagara falls the T and W made. It shows all the parts of the plant how the work and how things were arranged to have it completed. Also, a couple good primary sources such as letters that may help. This will really help with my first article.

"Nikola Tesla." Welcome to Phils Website. Web. 15 Jan. 2012. <http://www.phils.com.au/tesla.htm>.

More background/history of T. Has some parts on the Niagara falls generators I can use. Which was the partnership with Westinghouse and J. P. Morgan. But as soon as people knew what he really wanted to do, jp decided they wanted out. T wanted to transmit free electricity, and if they were doing that jp wouldn’t get any profit. Of course this was never realised but the idea alone caused it.

Klein, Andrew R. "Rural Electrification Act (1936) - ENotes.com." ENotes - Literature Study Guides, Lesson Plans, and More. Web. 15 Jan. 2012. <http://www.enotes.com/rural-electrification-act-1936-reference/rural-electrification-act-1936>.

REA was a great thing for farmers and other people living in rural areas. At the time this act was first made only 10% of the rural pop. had electricity but more over this act helped to get out of the great depression. In 1950 almost 90% of the rural pop. had electricity and telephone lines were then added to the act. Today it’s know as the RUS and still helps and provides electricity at a low cost to farmers.

BURNS, JOSH. "Edison vs Tesla: The War of Currents." Overcome Everything! — Business as Unusual. Overcome Everything Inc. Web. 15 Jan. 2012. <http://overcomeeverything.com/2924/edison-tesla-war-currents/>.

Info on the strong rivalry between the two men. Explains the differences between the two types but I already have that. The good stuff is where it talks about all the conflicts between them. How they clashed with the different inventions they had or came up with. Plus, the people they did it with. What is also interesting is the world fair part but I don’t think I’ll be able to use it.

Parkinson, Dave, and Tracy Lamourie. "THE HISTORY OF THE ELECTRIC CHAIR." The Canadian Coalition Against The Death Penalty. Canadian Coalition Against the Death Penalty, 29 Dec. 2010. Web. 15 Jan. 2012. <http://www.ccadp.org/electricchair.htm>.

Specific history timeline on the electric chair with some articles (that I didn’t know until later, sadly). The timeline is very good and provides key points and dates in the evolution of the electric chair. I only saw the timeline while writing the article so that’s all I used. But it basically shows Edison’s involvement in the electric chair and how it progressed.


"Nikola Tesla's Acceptance Speech on Receiving the Edison Medal." Nikola Tesla Information Resource | Books and Online Files. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS, 18 May 1917. Web. 15 Jan. 2012. <http://www.tfcbooks.com/tesla/1917-05-08.htm>.

This is where Tesla is receiving the Edison medal (kind of ironic) for his working with electricity and other devices. The president of board is introducing him and naming all of the achievements. Then Tesla gives a speech while accepting it. I’ll use this to highlight some parts of the niagara plant as well as future things for different articles.

Tesla, Nikola. "My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla." Lucidcafé Interactive Café and Information Resource. Web. 15 Jan. 2012. <http://www.lucidcafe.com/library/96jul/teslaautobio.html>.

This book is a book the Tesla himself wrote about many aspects of his life. Some parts are his inventions and other are how he grew up. It’s not that long but there are a lot of things I could use in here (didn’t read the whole thing yet). He does talk about the Electric Plant at Niagara and his dreams of being built as a young person.

Edison, Thomas A. "Electrocuting an Elephant." Wikipedia.com. Web. 15 Jan. 2012. <http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d3/Topsy.ogg>.

This video shows the smear campaign that Edison used against Tesla to make people favor DC current. Edison insisted that AC current was hazardous to living things so he just electrocuted animals to prove his point. In this video he electrocuted an elephant name topsy. I can use this video to show the propaganda in the “current wars” between Tesla and Edison. Plus could be used to show how Edison felt about Tesla’s work.

"Rural Electrification Act of 1936 - Title I." U.S. Department of Agriculture. Web. 15 Jan. 2012. <http://www.usda.gov/rus/regs/info/100-1/title_i.htm>.

This is the Rural electrification Act of 1936. Helped America as a whole become one giant electric network. This helped to connect the power lines into all different cities that were previously not. It also got the rural people acoustomed to the new technology that was spreading across the nation and the world.

"Bad Elephant Killed." RailwayBridge.co.uk. The Commercial Advisor, 5 Jan. 1903. Web. 15 Jan. 2012. <http://www.railwaybridge.co.uk/topsy.html>.

Thee article about Topsy getting killed. Explained what happened that day and what she did to deserve it. It was a bit short but very good to have the actual article. It explains how she died and what they used/fed her to ultimately kill her.

<Franklin D. Roosevelt:"Executive Order 7037 Establishing the Rural Electrification Administration.," May 11, 1935.Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley,The American Presidency Project> http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=15057#axzz1jT1eIbLw

Again a good primary source depicting the exact order issued by the president. He talks about the REA (administration one) creation. What it will do and how it will be done.


Hi SLA Community - 

There is a new art supply policy

1.  Supplies are only available to students who sign out the materials HERE

2.  Supplies my only be retrieved during X band and from 8-8:15am

I will keep replenishing the roll paper outside my room and students are welcome to pick that up at any time during the day. 


​Chelsea Janette & Dréquan Taylor


When the project first came about to us my partner, Dréquan, and I decided to do the Revolution on sports. We wanted to see how far along sports have come and what exactly what happened with the integration of sports. Starting this project last quarter for a benchmark we just got the surface of sports and how the integration worked in sports.
By doing the NHD (National History Day) we were able to go deeper into the topic that we had choose. As the deadline came closer and closer to being done we decided to make a video that shows the three R's for sports, Revolution, Reform, and Reaction. We were able to learn about how African Americans were able to play along side caucasians and that made way for everyone else.
Doing this project we first started by getting more information on the topic. We looked onto NBA.com, and NFL.com for videos that could show how diverse the teams have become. Among putting our movie together we wanted a song that could put people in that game mode, so that's were the song came from. In the video we have a lot of slides that show facts as well as pictures that represent each person in the slide. Not only that but we also put in a clip to show now how African Americans and Caucasians are playing side by side. The process was a long one but at the same time it was an interesting one. We got to learn about people that no one else really knows about and we alos learned that Jackie Robinson wasn't the only one that made a change in history for sports.

Jackie Robinson. 1947. Photograph. Brooklyn. Google. Web. 6 Jan. 2012. <http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1>.
This is a photo of Jackie Robinson in his first game in MLB(Major League Baseball). Jackie was running from 3rd base to home plate. His teammate hit the ball deep down mid-field and Jackie was running home to score. He was the fastest player on his team. This could be helpful to my project because i can use this on the website, when talking about who he was, how he broke the color line, and what he meant to the sport of baseball.

-Johnson, Jack. "Jack Johnson." Photograph and quote. 1. n. page. Web. 10 Jan. 2012. <http://bioscopic.wordpress.com/2010/07/03/lives-in-film-no-4-jack-johnson-2/>.
In this article there are pictures along with a quote that Jack Johnson had said from when he fought Jim Jeffries. In this article it also shows how Jack Johnson was the first black man “movie star.” With all the fighting he was doing he was put on television and movies so that it would be broadcast. Also this article has information on his early life and what has happened since he was born to him defeating the retired Jim Jeffries.

I’m Jack Johnson. Heavyweight champion of the world.

I’m black. They never let me forget it.

I’m black all right. I’ll never let them forget it.

Jack Johnson

Secondary Sources:

- "Today in History: April 15." The Library of Congress American Memory, 10 Mar. 2009. Web. 4 Jan. 2012. <The Library of Congress American Memory>.


This source is talking about Jackie Robinson, and how he broke the “color line”. Before Jackie Robinson there were no African-American professional players, that played along-side any Caucasians players. There was always a separation between the Caucasians and every other race. MLB (Major League Baseball) was where the Caucasians competed against each other in baseball. Jackie Robinson first competed in the Negro American League before being signed to the Brooklyn Dodgers. It will help in my project, because i can talk about how he “broke” the “color line” which was the start of a revolution. Where African-Americans played professional sports with Caucasians.

Flatter, Ron. "Johnson boxed, lived on his own." 2007: 1. Print. <http://espn.go.com/sportscentury/features/00014275.html>.
In this source it talks about how Jack Johnson had also had something to with breaking the color barrier. It gives a background look into the boxer’s life and how he was able to beat Jim Jeffries. Jim Jeffries had came out of retirement just to fight Jack Johnson in what went into a 15 round fight. They fought in front of 22,000 people and from that fight Johnson received $117,000. A little boy working hard on the boats and trying to make a living ended up with a heavyweight champ title.

"Racism in Hockey Happens to Often." 1. (2011): 1. Web. 6 Jan. 2012. <http://sports.nationalpost.com/2011/09/24/racism-in-hockey-all-too-often/http://sports.nationalpost.com/2011/09/24/racism-in-hockey-all-too-often/http://sports.nationalpost.com/2011/09/24/racism-in-hockey-all-too-often/>.

In this article it talks about the racism that even in 2011 continues to go on after years of slavery being over. With hockey not being such an integrated sport, only 20 black men in the league, there have still been some racist acts done to these men. The fans are the ones that are showing their affection to the teammates and the article makes it clear what is going on. Not only do they say it could be about racism but they do discuss the possibilities of someone just being stupid and ignorant but as the history is being looked at it is clear that it is more than that.

Wall, Jonathan. "Video of flagrant foul no-calls at basketball game goes viral." (2012): 1. Web. 9 Jan. 2012. <http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/highschool-prep-rally/video-flagrant-foul-no-calls-basketball-game-goes-133731387.html>.
In this article it talks about a video that was posted on youtube and received all types of responses. The video shows how someone went up and was fouled that led into a fight. The way the problem went down made the young boy seem like he was the biggest bully in the basketball season. Also he is know known as the dirtiest player on the court at the time.